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DG CAA organizes a regional international aviation forum


Directorate General "Civil Aviation Administration" is organizing a regional international aviation forum at the Congress Centre in Albena resort on 5 and 6 June 2014.

The forum focuses on the most pressing issues in civil aviation such as safety, Single European Sky and expansion of functional blocks of air space, training of aviation specialists etc.

Pan-European Single Sky Director at EUROCONTROL Luc Titgat presented the topic of “Regional cooperation in support of implementing Pan-European Single Sky”. DG CAA experts presented the progress and perspectives for the Functional block air space DANUBE FAB.

The integrated anti-terrorist system for control, signaling and response in real time in case of terrorist acts, which is developed by Bulgarian scientist, was discussed. The system encompasses all aspects and component structures by coordinating the actions of the Emergency service, the ministry of Interior, Civil Protection, the special forces, etc.

The issues relating to training of specialists and keeping them despite the competitiveness of the aviation market, is getting ever more urgent for aviation carriers. The condition and perspectives for air transport in terms of training and qualification are to be discussed during the second day of the forum.

The General Directors of Aviation Administrations on the Balkans are participating in the event, as well as representatives of EUROCONROL, the European Civil Aviation Conference, the management of the Association of Bulgarian Airlines, DG "Civil Aviation Administration", airports and carriers.

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