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The expansion of the functional airspace block between Bulgaria and Romania - a matter of discussions


The two-day forum in Sofia will discuss the opportunities for the expansion of the functional airspace block between Bulgaria and Romania (DANUBE FAB) towards neighbouring countries. The international aviation forum for South-East Europe cooperation was opened by the Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Georgi Todorov. The event was organized jointly by Directorate General Civil Aviation and BULATSA.

Deputy Minister Todorov said that the main focus of the Forum and the issues discussed are more than topical. They concern the important European initiative Single European Sky that aims at effective management and utilization of the airspace. The DANUBE FAB project is among the most successful ones in Europe when it comes to effectiveness form the first referent period.

The event is a continuation of the international meeting on strengthening the regional cooperation in the field of civil aviation that was conducted in June 2014 in Albena sea resort.

Among the participants in the event were Directors General of aviation administrations and providers of aerospace services from nine Balkan countries, the Director for Europe and the North Atlantic of ICAO regional office, as well as representatives of EUROCONTROL

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