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Inspectors from EA “Automobile Administration” issued 119 tickets during the Easter holidays


Inspectors from EA “Automobile Administration” issued 119 tickets during the Easter holidays. The prevention and control activities took place in the period 9 – 13 April 2015 under the ruling of the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Ivaylo Moskovski.

The inspectors conducted checks on 1200 vehicles transporting passengers and cargo. The most common violations they pinpointed were various technical irregularities, such as worn-out or torn tires, problems with the lights, lack of technical checks etc. Part of the motorists operated with no psychological certificates, or qualification license, no tachygraphy list or empty road lists and licenses. The inspectors reported on violations related to inconsistencies with the timetables, the time for rests and travel as well as taxi charge systems not being switched on. Some of the sanctioned motorists did not possess taxi driving licenses or permit from the municipality for taxi services.


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