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Deputy Minister Valery Borissov participates in the launch of Global Forum on Cyber Expertise


The Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Valery Borissov took part in the launch of Global Forum on Cyber Expertise. The new body was established at the Global Conference on Cyber Space, which took place on 16 and 17 April in The Hague, the Netherlands. “The initiative aims at promote international solidarity and provide political and financial support for strengthening cyber cooperation”, commented on the occasion Minister Borissov.

At the Forum, representatives of the government, international organizations, private business, civil society, academia and technical sector discussed the program for promoting free, open and safe cyber space. The participants shared the view that information and communication technologies, and the internet in particular, are ever more strategic assets for the countries, the private sector and the citizens. They have turned into the engine for the social and economic development in societies and pave the way for innovations, scientific studies, communications, and business transformations. The increase of their significance also results in new challenges that the global world faces.

The Conference highlighted the importance of common access to the Internet and the building of cyber capacity in the period following 2015. Special attention was paid to the implementation and constant development of Internet standards.

The participants in the Conference pinpointed the computer incidents reaction centers as key structures in national and international exchange of information. Improving their capacity can boost cyber sustainability and address the ever growing cyber threats.

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