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Minister Ivaylo Moskovski: We are opening new jobs for air traffic controllers


We plan to increase job openings for air traffic controllers with 40 to 60 % by 2017, said the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Ivaylo Moskovski at the opening of the 54th Conference of the International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers Associations (IFATCA), which is held for the first time in Bulgaria.

Minister Ivaylo Moskovski said that in recent years air traffic has significantly increased. Currently more than 1700 aircrafts fly over Bulgaria in a day, and during the busiest times their number reaches 3000. “This is tur into a tendency with the new airport opening in Istanbul, as the forecasts envisage some 50-percent increase”, he added.

Minster Yvaylo Moskovski pinpointed the successful introduction of two cross-border sectors between Bulgaria and Romania last year as a key aspect for the development of the priority project for the country – DANUBE FAB. He clarified that this is the first establishment of cross-border sectors within the functional airspace blocks in Europe. The initiative additionally optimizes the network of air corridors, realizes actual fuel economies, saves flight time and reduces harmful impact on the environment. The introduction of these sectors also demonstrates the perfect cooperation between DANUBE FAB partners.

Minister Moskovski also added that within the framework of DANUBE FAB BULATSA continues the deployment of airspace elements in view of the free planning of routs and servicing data exchange lines between pilots and the controllers as part of the Mid-term program for developing SESAR.

SESAR project is the technical pillar of Single European Sky. Its aim is to provide the EU with high quality air traffic control infrastructure that will allow for the safe and eco-friendly development of air transport.

BULATSA will continue to be an active part of the executive level of the development of the SESAR program, as a series of meetings have been held to outline the opportunities for future cooperation.

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