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Distribution of dividend from Danube Bridge 2 for 2013 and 2014 in 76% to 24% ratio in favor of Bulgaria


The Minister of Transport, Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Bulgaria Ivaylo Moskovski and the Minister of Transport of Romania Ioan Rus agreed on the dividend that the Bulgarian-Romanian company "Danube Bridge Vidin - Calafat" AD receives from Danube Bridge 2 to be distributed according to the investments made by the countries in the construction of the bridge. The two ministers held a bilateral meeting during the intergovernmental meeting between Bulgaria and Romania, which took place today in Craiova. It emerged from the meeting that the distribution of the dividend for 2013 and 2014 is in 76% to 24% ratio in favor of Bulgaria. An audit is to be carried out, which will provide the ratio for 2015.

Minister Moskovski and Minister of Rus discussed the construction of two new bridges over the Danube between Nikopol - Turnu Magurele and Silistra - Calarasi and both sides agreed to initiate feasibility studies for the construction of bridges. They discussed the projects for construction of a railway connection between the countries and agreed that each country should develop the railway line on their territory over Danube Bridge 2.

Within the framework of a bilateral meeting Minister Ivaylo Moskovski and the Minister of Information Society Sorin Mihai Grindeanu discussed that the first working meeting on the project to connect the optical telecommunications infrastructure of Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia will be held in in mid-May.

After the meeting with the Prime Minister of Romania Victor Ponta and the Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic, the Prime Minister Boyko Borisov said that the construction of the highway Sofia - Bucharest - Belgrade is a priority for our country and it would improve the opportunities for cooperation between the three countries. The three officials discussed the construction of a regional infrastructure ring between the countries. The Prime Minister said that our country is actively working on the construction of the highways Hemus, Struma and Maritsa, and some high-speed rail lines.

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