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Information Services Plc to improve and upgrade the information and communication environment at the State Commission on Gambling


Information Services Plc will upgrade the information system at the State Commission on Gambling with new features, modules and services aimed at a more efficient collection of taxes and other public receivables. The company was appointed contractor of a project financed under Operational Program “Administrative Capacity”. As a result of the modernization of the information system the speed and quality of the services offered by the Gambling Commission will be improved.

As proven professionals in the IT sector, the team of Information Services Plc will start working on the project as soon as the end of April, immediately after signing the contract between the commission and the Company.

The activities will be implemented under the project “Upgrade of the information and communication environment at the State Commission on Gambling through improvement of the Integrated information system of the company developed under OPAC, with new modules for activity and revenue control”, sub-Lot 3.1. “Improvement of the services for the citizens and the business including through development of e-governance”.

It is being implemented with the financial aid of OPAC, co-financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund and is at the total value of 1 million levs.

The commissioning and deployment of the information system will boost the image of the State Commission of Gambling as a modern online administration that is open to citizens and the business.

We recall that in November 2014 Information Services Plc took part in a procurement procedure on “Analysis of administrative processes and the administrative services offered by the State Commission on Gambling and drafting internal rules for the unification of administrative processes. Upgrade of the information and administrative infrastructure with new optimizing and functional modules and their integration in the common information environment and improvement of the integrated information system at SCG with new features and modules for activity and revenues control” as part of contract № А13-31-6/02.06.2014 on allocating grants under Operational Program “Administrative Capacity”.

With Decision № 28 of 25.03.2015 of the committee appointed to hold an open procurement procedure, Information Services Plc was appointed contractor of the project.

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