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Deputy Minister Valery Borissov: Revenues from postal services increase by 5% annually


Bulgarian postal market reports a steady revenue growth of 5% annually, said the Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Valery Borissov at the opening of the 50th Plenary Meeting of the European Committee for Postal Regulation in Sofia.  The development of online trade has lead to a significant growth in postal parcels as the so called non-universal postal services account for 80% of the total market volume, he added.

The dynamic growth of electronic trade provides postal operators with a new niche to develop their activity through delivery of online orders, pointed out in his speech Deputy Minster Borissov. In his words the share of courier services in the revenues of postal operators is 65%. He added that the steady tendency in the next years will result in an increase in parcels exchange and revenues of postal operators from electronic trade. Currently there are 130 postal operators on the national market, which is of benefit to customers and enables them to choose among products and services, said the Deputy Minister.

The European Committee for Postal Regulation was established in 1992 within the European Conference on Posts and Telecommunications. Ministries and regulatory authorities of postal administrations in European countries participate in the Committee. Republic of Bulgaria is hosting the event for a third time. More than 71 delegates from 28 states will participate in the two-day event, as well as representatives of the Universal Postal Union and PostEurop.

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