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Ivaylo Moskovski: We make every effort to build a competitive road and railway infrastructure


We make every effort to build a competitive road and railway infrastructure along the trans-European transport corridors, said the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Ivaylo Moskovski, during the commissioning of Lot 2 of "Maritsa" highway. The ceremony was attended by Prime Minister Boyko Borisov, Director of Directorate General "Regional and urban policy" EC Vitoria Alia, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of EU funds and Economic Policy Tomislav Donchev, Minister of Regional Development and Public Works Lilyana Pavlova, MPs, representatives of local authorities and others.

Minister Ivailo Moskovski said that funds provided under the Operational Program "Transport" 2007 - 2013 on the construction of Lot 2 are over 146 million Levs and following the commissioning of this part of the "Maritza" highway the traffic in the area will increase by 13%. Lot 1 "Orizovo - Dimitrovgrad" is at the length of 31 km and is expected to be completed in October this year when highway will be comissioned, he added.

"Upon entering in office, I had to cope with a long delay in the implementation of projects financed under the Operational Program "Transport", said Minister Ivaylo Moskovski. We make every effort to catch up and complete the programming period successfully, he added.

Today, together with Prime Minister Boyko Borisov, we inspected the modernization project of the railway line Plovdiv - Svilengrad, visited the railway station in Dimitrovgrad and the railway overpass near the water tower in the city, which is worth 7.5 million Levs, the Transport Minister added. He announced that the project is at an advanced stage of readiness and will soon be finalized. Alongside the construction of road and railway infrastructure we expect to create prerequisites for the development of business and economy, said Minister Ivaylo Moskovski.

Earlier today Minister Ivaylo Moskovski together with Prime Minister Boyko Borisov attended the opening of the plant for automotive gaskets in Stara Zagora, an investment worth 20 million Levs.

The project "Construction of  "Maritza" highway Lot 1 and Lot 2" is worth 390 million Levs provided under Operational Program "Transport" 2007 – 2013. Part of the new section of "Maritza" highway is the junction at "Dimitrovgrad" which is the largest of the type in southern Bulgaria. There are two levels for crossing the highway to the international road E-85 Dimitrovgrad - Haskovo. At the 34 km section more than 25 facilities have been built, the biggest of which are the junctions at Simeonovgrad and Topolovgrad and the bridge over the river Harmanliiska.

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