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Ivaylo Moskovski: Beneficiaries and contractors need to speed up the implementation of projects under OPT


By the end of 2015 we should absorb 1 billion Levs under the Operational Program "Transport" 2007-2013 and I call on all beneficiaries to speed up the pace of implementation of projects financed under OPT 2007 - 2013, said the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Ivaylo Moskovski, during the opening of the Monitoring Committee of the program. According to the Minister in the last few months there has been significant progress in the implementation of some projects, but with some of them there are major delays that jeopardize the completion within this programming period.

Minister Moskovski said that the amount of payments is currently almost 75% of the budget of OPT and the certified resources amount to more than 1 billion 100 million Euros (69% of the program budget). Ivaylo Moskovski pointed out that the projects in the road sector have been organized so as to be completed in time within the period of eligibility, but the delay of Lot 2 of the Western arc of Sofia ring road and the bypass in the town of Gabrovo are significant and can not be compensated. Meanwhile, some "phasing" activities have been undertaken for Lot 2 of the Western arc of SRR. "A small part of the activities under the three railway projects - Septemvrir - Plovdiv, Plovdiv - Burgas and Parvomai - Svilengrad is likely to be implemented after 2015", said Minister Moskovski. 

"We continue with the enhanced monitoring of risk projects until their completion", summed up Ivaylo Moskovski. He added that funds should be provided to complete the project after the end of 2015, in the volume which has been approved by the EC. Provision of those funds will be made on the side of the respective beneficiary, budget resources or loans as no later than March 2017 each project shall be functional in order for the EC to approve the expenditure incurred within the programming period for their implementation. The Minister pointed out that there is an Action plan developed so as to complete the program within the programming period, which was agreed with the European Commission.

During the meeting Galina Vasileva, Deputy Head of the Managing Authority of Operational Program "Transport" 2007 - 2013, reported on the progress in all priority axes of the program and explained that by the end of 2015 about 1 billion Levs should be repaid for the full absorption of the program budget. She pointed out concrete steps set out in the Action plan for completion of the OPT. Galina Vasileva said that an official letter was sent to the European Commission, which confirms the commitment of the State to build the tunnel under Shipka peak. Phasing of major infrastructure projects, which will not be completed within the period of eligibility, is another measure in the plan, as well as ensuring additional funding for some of the activities of the projects after the end of 2015 so as to ensure their completion. 

Mrs. Vassileva said there is a decision of the Council of Ministers to increase the percentage of co-financing from the Cohesion Fund and the corresponding reduction of the national co-financing by 5%. After the changes adopted this ratio becomes 85% to 15%. According to Galina Vasileva the plan also provides "reverse" phasing of projects that enables the transfer of projects, which were to be funded in the new programming period, in the current programming period. Such a project project, which has already started, is the construction of the subway line from "James Boucher" station to "Vitosha" station.

During the Monitoring Committee of OPT all beneficiaries will present the progress of the projects implemented. The meeting lasts two days and involves representatives of local and executive authorities, NGOs, trade unions, experts from the European Commission and others.

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