
The Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications has launched in use a postal-philatelic edition „EUROPE 2017 – castles”. Since 1992 up to the present stage, the European postal administrations have included a common edition on topic „Europe”, which is a symbol of the wish of integration and cooperation between the countries of the Old Continent.

Due to the high activity of state, municipal, non-governmental and corporate organizations in the process of domain name registration in Cyrillic “бг“, deadline for preservation of Internet names is extended until the end of May. The initial period, which was envisaged for domains with reserved names, was until 8 May.

Over 200 administrations from the executive, municipal and judiciary authorities have expressed their desire to join the new Bulgarian web space. 5844 domains are claimed by non-governmental, public and business organizations.

Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Hristo Alexiev sent a congratulation address on the occasion of the opening of the exposition "Innovation, business and education in transport 2017".

"The introduction of innovative products and solutions is of utmost importance for the development of transport. In the current conditions of globalization, the competitiveness and sustainability of transport companies depend on the ability of companies to adapt to innovation and new market requirements", said Minister Hristo Alexiev.

The success of the technological companies depends on the innovations, and they are closely related to the protection of the intellectual property. That stated the Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications, Georgi Todorov in the discussion, dedicated to the World day of intellectual property – 26 April.

The Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Hristo Alexiev carried out an inspection of the construction works of the overpass, which will connect Terminal 2 of Sofia Airport and "Brussels" Blvd in the capital.

From tomorrow will be introduced a temporary organization of traffic in both directions of the boulevard. The traffic in both directions will be realized along a temporary road lane at the western side of “Brussels” Blvd.

Single electronic access to data on the existing telecommunication infrastructure and possibilities to build electronic communications networks with minimal capital expenditures will be ensured with a project of the Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications (MTITC). The work on it has started with the signing of a contract for building a GIS-based electronic platform "Single Information Point" with funding from the Operational Program "Good Governance". The project value is 1 998 668.00 BGN and is expected to be completed in 12 months.

Bulgarian Postage Stamp Issuing joins the celebration of the 100th anniversary of Rotary Foundation, by issuing a thematic postage stamp. The validation seal was put by the Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Lubomir Hadjiysky  and head of the Bulgarian branch of the Foundation Dimitar Dimitrov.

From today, the travelling time by train between Stara Zagora and Burgas will be performed for hour and a half. That stated the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Hristo Alexiev during the inauguration ceremony of the last two rehabilitated sections between Plovdiv to Burgas. Practically by that, the overall project for rehabilitation of the railway line between Plovdiv and Burgas is completed.

The contracted funds under Operational Programme on Transport and Transport Infrastructure 2014 – 2020 are 831 million EUR, which represents 44 % of the budget of the Programme. That stated the Head of the Managing Authority of OPTTI, Eng. Galina Vasileva in a workshop under the Programme in Stara Zagora.

The Information Society Forum (WSIS) of the International Telecommunication Union announced a photography competition, in which may participate also Bulgarian authors. The topic of the photographic works must be related to the way in which the information and communication technologies change the world.

Proposals for participation in the competition are accepted from 2 March to 2 May 2017. The authors may send photos of technological projects as well as of persons and organizations that use technologies for a positive change of the world.

I expect the rehabilitation of the last section from Septemvri to Stambolyiski to be completed by the mid of the year, by which the whole railway Septemvri-Burgas will be completed. That stated the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Hristo Alexiev during the inauguration of the renewed Stambolyiski-Plovdiv railway line and the newly constructed Intermodal Terminal- Plovdiv.

The Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Lubomir Hadjiysky inspected a common training of Sofia Airport and Municipal Directorate Fire Safety and Civil Protection.

The training is three days as today has been performed at the Cargo compartment of Terminal 2. In the training have participated teams of over 30 persons, 8 firefighting vehicles and other equipment.

България подкрепя инициативите на Европейската комисия за привличане на повече частни инвестиции в транспортния сектор, които да надграждат и допълват инвестициите с публични средства. Това каза министърът на транспорта, информационните технологии и съобщенията Христо Алексиев по време на транспортна конференция за инвестиции в транспорта. Министърът посочи, че тези инструменти могат да допълват традиционните финансови източници (европейски фондове, национален бюджет и др.), но не и да ги заменят напълно. По думите му включването на Европейската инвестиционна банка в този процес е от съществено значение, тъй като предварителната подготовка на всеки един проект е определяща за неговото реализиране и изпълнение.

„МТИТС има добро сътрудничество с ЕИБ в сферата на консултантската дейност, и се надявам занапред да осигурят още по-голяма подкрепа в подготовката на трансгранични проекти, с фокус върху железопътните коридори. По този начин ще се постигне устойчивост и мултиплициращ ефект на проектите в дългосрочен план“, каза министър Алексиев.

В рамките на втория ден от форума министър Христо Алексиев проведе двустранни срещи с еврокомисаря по транспорт Виолета Булц, както и с министрите на транспорта на Украйна и Черна гора.

По време на срещата с Виолета Булц, министър Алексиев представи инвестициите в транспорта, които ще бъдат реализирани с хоризонт до 2022 г. Той посочи, че трябва да има общи стандарти за проектите в рамките на Европейския съюз за да бъде постигната оперативна съвместимост на транспортните системи. Комисар Булц изрази позиция, че страните членки трябва да черпят опит и добри практики по между си, както и да си партнират в общите проекти. Христо Алексиев даде пример с проекта Бургас – Александруполис и заяви, че има много добро сътрудничество с гръцката страна и съвсем скоро ще бъдат предприети съвместни действия по този въпрос.

В рамките на среща с министъра на транспорта и морските въпроси на Черна гора Осман Нуркович беше обсъдено възобновяването на спогодба между двете държави в сферата на автомобилните превози. Последната спогодба е от 2011 г. и в момента се подготвя актуализиран вариант на документа, който предстои да бъде съгласуван от двете държави.

На среща с министъра на инфраструктурата на Украйна Володимир Омелян беше обсъден проекта за изграждането на автомагистрала между Украйна, Румъния, България и Гърция. Министър Омелян заяви, че украинската страна ще организира среща между държавите в обхвата на проекта и се надява да бъде постигнато съгласие за изграждането на магистралата. Министър Алексиев посочи, че България подкрепя този проект и ще се включи в предстоящите дискусии. Украинският министър сподели, че гръцкият му колега също е изразил подкрепа към инициативата и ще се включи в съвместна среща.

След края на конференцията министър Христо Алексиев, европейският комисар Виолета Булц и кметът на София Йорданка Фандъкова посетиха метростанции Европейски съюз и Сердика. Виолета Булц заяви, че е впечатлена както от археологията, така и от съвременния европейски облик на метростанциите.

Approximately 4 billion BGN will be invested in our transport infrastructure until 2020 on Operational Programme on Transport and Transport Infrastructure and 406 million BGN on the Connecting Europe Facility. That stated the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Hristo Alexiev during the opening ceremony of the Regional Transport Investment Conference. The event is organized by the Mobility and Transport General Directorate of the EC in collaboration with the Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications.

The Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Georgi Todorov validated a postage stamp on topic “70 years Bulgarian Civil Aviation and 15 years Bulgarian Airlines Association“.

Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Hristo Alexiev and European coordinator for the Rhine-Danube Corridor Karla Peijs launched today the first ever hydrographic Danube survey vessel. The ship is a possession of Executive Agency "Exploration and Maintenance of the Danube River" and is constructed under the project "Improvement of navigation and topo-hydrographic measurements along the Danube River - Phase 2".

The Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Hristo Alexiev and the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Ukraine in Bulgaria H. E. Mikola Baltaji discussed the development of common infrastructure projects. During the todays held meeting have been discussed topics of common interest for both countries in “Transport and Transport Infrastructure” sector.

The per diem rates for international drivers will be paid as per the requirements of the Bulgarian legislation. That became clear after conversations between the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications, Hristo Alexiev and the Minister of Labor and Social Policy, Galab Donev. Minister Alexiev said that would keep the competitiveness of the Bulgarian drivers on the European markets and would save one of the main sectors in the Bulgarian economy.

There are prepared amendments in the Law on Automobile Transport, by which is proposed the deadline of validity for the taxicab drivers’ authorizations to be extended without sitting an additional exam. That has stated the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Hristo Alexiev during the todays meeting with the taxi industry. He said that in order the proposals to become effective they should be approved after the forming of the National Assembly.

The construction of new railway connections to the industrial facilities was topic of the meeting between the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Hristo Alexiev and the Minister of Economy Teodor Sedlarski.