Actions have been taken to alleviate heavy traffic through Danube Bridge 2

Actions have been taken to alleviate the heavy traffic through Danube Bridge 2. At the moment there are no trucks waiting on the route of the republican road network to the BCP Vidin-Calafat. All counters at the border crossing are fully operational. The time for checking trucks has been reduced as much as possible so that it does not violate the rules for the protection of national security and border control. The Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Transport and Communications and all relevant institutions responsible for the organisation of traffic and the passage of traffic through the border crossing are in constant coordination to maintain the normal passage of trucks.

Together with the Romanian authorities, the so-called. a ‘green corridor’ for the passage of trucks carrying perishable goods, live animals and dangerous goods. The number of officers carrying out border checks on both sides has been increased. At Bulgaria's request, the Romanian side increased the number of controlling officers of its Tax Administration (ANAF).

A new traffic organisation has also been established to avoid rest stops in the section between the bridge structure and the control area, on Romanian territory. This will prevent the formation of a traffic jam.

The measures taken are of a permanent nature and work is ongoing to build on them.