1. In case of realization of an accident or serious incident with a civil aircraft in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, the territorial waters and the serviced airspace according to the international commitments assumed by the Republic of Bulgaria, the organizations and the owners of aircraft in accordance with Art. 9 of Regulation (EU) 996/2010 shall immediately notify the National Board for Aircraft, Maritime and Railway Accident Investigation pursuant to Art. 8, para. 1 of Ordinance № 13 of 27.01.1999 for investigation of aviation accidents via telephones +359889601266 and +359886777998.
2. The organizations and aircraft owners, in case of realization of an aviation occurrence, irrespective of the notification under point 1, must notify, within 72 hours of becoming aware of occurrence, via the website at https://e2.aviationreporting.eu/reporting, obligatorily using the ADREP (Accident / Incident Data Reporting) taxonomy