Bulgaria has supported a common approach on the Driving Licences Directive, which aims to achieve a higher level of road safety. The Bulgarian position was expressed today by the Minister of Transport and Communications Krasimira Stoyanova during a meeting of the Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council of the European Union, Transport format.
"We fully support the proposals of the Hungarian Presidency as well as the improvement of the legal framework. We appreciate the efforts to simplify the procedures and ensure a pragmatic approach", Minister Krasimira Stoyanova said. She stressed that the actions of the competent authorities in the Member States should not lead to an increase in the administrative burden or the length of procedures, as this reduces the effectiveness of the implementation of the new mechanisms.
The proposal aims to prevent the relative impunity of non-resident road traffic offenders who have committed serious traffic offences. The new measures will apply under certain conditions and in accordance with each country's national law.
In the section "Intermodal transport" Bulgaria supported a common approach on the proposals for two regulations on the enforcement of passengers' rights. The texts achieve greater clarity and better enforcement of passenger rights in the EU, avoiding unnecessary administrative and financial burdens for carriers.