Changes of driving exams in preparation will guarantee the higher level of training quality

Changes of driving exams, that are in preparation, will guarantee the higher level of training quality and will reduce unfair practices. It became clear during a press conference related to the public consultation on the draft Regulation on the amendment and supplementation of on the conditions and order for training of applicants for obtaining driving license for a motor vehicle and the conditions and procedure for issuing a permit for their training. The new proposals were presented by Executive Director of EA “Road Transport Administration” Boyko Ranovski and Deputy Executive Director of EA “Road Transport Administration” Damyan Voynovski.

Boyko Ranovski announced that the proposed texts are a result of a series of talks, meetings and analysis on road safety and drivers’ trainings. “The recent figures indicate that for the last six months of 2020 the heavy road traffic incidents with involved young drivers amount to 96, with 24 people died and 108 injured. During these accidents 35 of the drivers have crashed by their own, with 6 people dead and 35 involved. In populated areas 47 heavy road traffic incidents with new drivers, with 10 people dead and 52 injured have happened. Outside populated areas the heavy accidents are 49 with 14 people dead and 56 injured. A great number of these accidents is caused by poor training of drivers, lack of training and testing outside populated areas, underestimation of situations arising on the road, bad perception or reaction to avoid a road traffic accident, driving with high and inappropriate speed”, outlined Boyko Ranovski.

He pointed out that the main goal of the project is to establish unified rules for all training centers by putting them into equal terms. In his words, it is important in order to ensure training quality and avoid unfair practices, which worsen training. “Through electronic systems we shall accomplish transparent and guaranteed training. We will reduce administrative burden by abolishing paper documents. The applicants and their parents will have access to the applicant’s dossier, the training passed and the roads along which he/she has trained. Once enrolled in the register, the instructors and the training vehicles could be moved to various training centers without need to present additional documents, as it is currently required. It is important noting that the access to the system will be free for both the training centers and the applicants”, added Boyko Ranovski.  

He was definite that the proposed amendments are elaborated on the ground of the data on joint inspections with various controlling bodies, the number of discussions held with the industry and the analysis of the experts. “The texts are not final. The one-month public consultation on the Regulation is currently under way. After the end of the consultation, all remarks will be considered and the stakeholders will be invited for a wide public debate on the amendments. After the removal of all disputable moments, the Regulation will be presented to the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications”, said also Boyko Ranovski.

Draft Regulation № 37 on the conditions and order of training of applicants for obtaining a driving license for a motor vehicle and the conditions and procedure for issuing a permit for their training is published for public consultation on:

The webpage of the Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications

The portal for public consultations of the Council of Ministers -

The topic could be followed on the webpage of MTITC.