Digitising driver training services and activities and easing the administrative burden for training centres

The Ministry of Transport and Communications has published for public consultation amendments to Ordinance No. 37 and Ordinance No. 38 regulating the conditions and procedures for the training and examination of candidates for the acquisition of driving licence. The regulations are published on the Public Consultation Portal of the Council of Ministers - https://strategy.bg/

The main changes are related to upgrading and improving the functionalities of the information system for training and examinations of the Road Administration Agency. A large part of the activities related to driver training will be digitised, including the training logbooks and cards, thus on the one hand significantly reducing the administrative burden for training centres and on the other hand increasing the efficiency of the control carried out by the Agency's staff.

Driver candidates will also have access to the information system and will thus be able to inform themselves about the stage of their theory and practice training, as well as about the hours taken, etc.

The amendments provide that applicants for a driving licence may sit a theoretical or practical test no more than four times within six months of the completion of the relevant training. In case of failure in the examination within the specified period, the candidate will undergo fresh training. The obligation to pass an internal theoretical and practical examination is abolished.