Institutions Tighten Control Over All Road Users

Road safety brought together four ministers, deputy ministers, and three agencies involved in the topic.

"Severe accidents with fatalities and injuries continue to happen, and we are obliged to react decisively. It is necessary to eliminate, including legislatively, all cumbersome procedures and mechanisms that prevent institutions from acting quickly and flexibly," said Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Transport and Communications Grozdan Karadzhov at a coordination meeting on road safety, which was held today at the Council of Ministers at his initiative. The meeting was attended by Minister of Interior Daniel Mitov, Minister of Regional Development and Public Works Ivan Ivanov, Minister of Health Assoc. Prof. Silvi Kirilov, deputy ministers, and representatives of the relevant agencies involved in road safety issues.

During the discussions, various approaches to improve the effectiveness of all road control bodies were discussed, including more joint actions and periodic training for employees. It was pointed out that control over overloading by heavy trucks, dangerous driving, and habitual offenders should be tightened. Serious attention needs to be paid to road safety education for children and students, the training and exams for driver candidates, and the creation of unified rules for instructor training.

"It is time to immediately start work on a package of specific measures, which can be conditionally divided into legislative, technical, and organizational. The State Agency 'Road Safety' will prepare a detailed action plan for ministries and will periodically report on the stages of its implementation," emphasized Deputy Prime Minister Grozdan Karadzhov. He added that the specific commitments of individual institutions will be further analyzed to select realistically applicable measures and achieve the necessary coordination.