Next week the Collective Labour Agreement will be signed between the NKZI and the trade unions

Experts from the National Railway Infrastructure Company (NKZI) and trade unions have started work on finalising the texts of the Collective Labour Agreement for workers in the state enterprise. It is expected to be signed next week once all the parameters have been agreed by both sides. This became clear after a meeting of the Minister of Transport and Communications Georgi Gvozdeykov with the Board of Directors of the National Railway Company and representatives of the trade unions.

‘In addition to new technologies, we should invest in human capital as a priority’, the Transport Minister was adamant. He said that in addition to higher remuneration for labour, the investments include quality training and qualification of employees to address the shortage of professionals across the system.

Some of the measures in the new CBA will include better working conditions, higher wages and medical services for employees. The parties also agreed during the workshops that a supplemental agreement would be drafted to include a 4-year incentive program for state-owned company employees. The NKZI and the trade unions will jointly look for ways to attract new staff to the NKZI system.