A Rail Market Assessment has been prepared, setting out the scope of the public service obligation for the next rail public transport contract

In the framework of Reform 1 ‘Strategic Framework in Transport’, within the Transport Connectivity Component of the National Recovery and Sustainability Plan of the Republic of Bulgaria, a market assessment for the railway sector was prepared between 29 August 2023 and 30 January 2024, defining the scope of the public service obligation under the new public service contract for rail transport. Within the scope of the evaluation, the following tasks were completed:

1.    Defining the objectives of the market assessment;

2.    Estimating demand for passenger rail services;

3.    Evaluation of services that could be provided by open access/commercial operators;

4.    Defining the scope of the market assessment;

5.    Identification and assessment of impacts;

6.    Assessment of whether a less distortive measure than the award of a public service contract for rail transport can be used to achieve public transport policy objectives;

7.    Interpretation and formulation of conclusions;

8.    Presentation of results — preparation of a report documenting the results of the previous tasks, analyses and evaluations.