
There are no findings for unlicensed pilots in the Bulgarian aviation. This became clear during today's meeting between Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Anton Ginev, the Director General of Directorate General "Civil Aviation Administration" (CAA) Ivan Ivanov and representatives of the Bulgarian Airlines Association (ABA).

The Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Ivaylo Moskovski still a month ago decided to propose the replacement of the Director General of Civil Aviation Administration /CAA/ Mincho Tsvetkov. The reason for this were signals received in connection with the work of DG "CAA" and the poor administrative management of the Directorate.

On April 21, Minister Moskovski has made a proposal to the Prime Minister Boyko Borissov on the release of the Director of CAA. On April 22 the ordinance has been given to Mincho Tsvetkov.

The preparation of the Trio Presidency of the EU Council in 2017-2018 is discussed at a two-day meeting in Sofia between representatives of the United Kingdom, Estonia and the Bulgarian administration. The meeting was attended by experts as well as by heads of departments and units in the the UK, Estonia and Bulgaria, which are directly responsible for the preparation of the forthcoming Presidency. The event is under the initiative of the Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications. Today the participants were welcomed by the Chief Secretary of the Ministry - Mr.

The Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications and personally Minister Ivaylo Moskovski  support the righterous demands of the carriers addressed to the competent authorities – the Ministry of Interior, for control over the gray sector. During the ongoing public discussion on ridesharing Minister Moskovski has not spoken in favour of the ban of the websites for this type of travelling, at least because it is not within his competence.

The project of Rousse Regional Library "Lyuben Karavelov" was declared by the International Telecommunication Union a champion by number of online votes in its favor. The project is among the winners in category "Building capacity" of the prestigious awards of Information Society WSIS 2016. The Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications thanked all Internet users who responded to the call for online support of the Bulgarian participant in the race, published in February 2016.

Representatives of the bus industry discussed with the Minister of Transport, Information technology and Communications Ivaylo Moskovski the pressing problems in the sector. Minister Moskovski undertook immediate actions to resolve two of the issues falling within the competence of the Ministry.

Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Valery Borissov validated the first Bulgarian philatelic  edition dedicated to cartography. The illustrated postcard celebrates the International Year of the map.

The Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications organized an ICT Career Day on May 17, 2016 in Sofia. The initiative is dedicated to the International Day of Telecommunications and Information Society. The theme of the celebrations this year is "ICT entrepreneurship for social change."

The ICT career day is an event at which companies will present their expectations of job applicants, as well as the recommendations on what should focus young people. This is a place where professionalism and competence may encounter enthusiasm.

The Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Ivaylo Moskovski announced today the measures undertaken to end the malpractice in EA "Road Transport Administration".

Minister Ivaylo Moskovski pointed out that one of the important steps to reform the training and the examinations of the applicants for driving licenses is related to the split of the Law on Road Traffic into three laws:

Transport, telecommunications and information technology are sectors in which young people have serious prospects for development. This was stated by Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Valery Borissov during a public lecture before students and professors at the University of Transport “Todor Kableshkov”.

Valery Borisсov commented that the share of the transport sector in the gross domestic product exceeds 6 % and that of the information technology - over 5%. More than 29 000 are the vacancies in the technology sector.

Upon disposition of the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Ivaylo Moskovski the Executive Director of Executive Agency "Road Transport Administration" Krasimir Kalaidjiev released Vladimir Kolev from the post of Director General of DG "Road Transport Inspection".

The reason for the release was due to fact that the former Director General did not execute sufficient control over the subordinated heads of district departments of "Road Transport Administration" which has led to flaws of the work and illegal practices.

On April 7, 2016 were carried out the first two e-tenders of the platform of electronic sale of wood, elaborated by "Information Services" AD. The presentation of the platform took place in the Ministry of Agriculture and Food in front of journalists, at the presence of Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Valery Borissov, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food Assoc. Prof. Georgi Kostov and the Director of the Southwest State Enterprise – Forestry Eng. Damyan Damyanov .

By a postal-philatelic edition we celebrate a quarter century since the establishment of the Atlantic Club of Bulgaria. This was stated by Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Valery Borissov today in Sofia Hotel Balkan (Sheraton) during the ceremony of validation an illustrated envelope dedicated to the anniversary of the club.

The Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Ivaylo Moskovski still on March 30, 2016 submitted a report to the Prime Minister Boyko Borissov on the reselase from the post of Executive Director of Executive Agency "Road Transport Administration" Tsvetelin Tsvetanov.

For acting Executive Director of Executive Agency "Road Transport Administration" is proposed the Deputy Executive Director of the Agency Krassimir Kalaidjiev.

The introduction of a toll system for heavy vehicles will significantly reduce the imbalance in the whole transport sector, which currently exists. That was said by the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Ivaylo Moskovski during the 11-th Annual Conference "Strategic infrastructure and investments, Bulgaria in connected Europe 2016" organized by the City Media Group. "I believe that when the system starts operating, cargo flows will be distributed among ports, railways and heavy road traffic", he said.

"Information Services" AD recorded its best financial result for the past five years. In 2015 the company realized income of 21,3 million levs and reported profit for the year amounting to 1,7 million levs. The results showed income growth of 35 % compared to 2012, 11 % compared to 2013 and 4 % compared to 2014. The significant growth of the financial performance is a result of the attraction of new customers and several measures of the company's management initiated to optimize costs, training and qualification of employees

The Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications /MTITC/ supports the efforts of the European Commission to break down language barriers by creating a new Automated Translation platform in the official languages of the European Union - CEF.AT. During a national seminar that took place in Sofia, MTITC presented its vision on the types of documents that institutions should provide and share, so that the new system be adapted to the specific needs of public administration.

The Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Ivaylo Moskovski met yesterday the First Vice President of Iran Eshaq Jahangiri. This happened during the visit of Minister Ivaylo Moskovski and the delegation headed by him in Iran, where from 6 to March 9, 2016 took place the Eighteenth Session of the Intergovernmental Bulgarian-Iranian commission for economic, scientific and technical co-operation.

The Law on electronic identification and the need for a Single system integrator are two major changes in e-government in 2015 . That said the Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Valery Borissov at the opening of the 17th Annual Conference on e-governance which is organized by ICT media.

Forty two percent of the ministers in the Bulgarian government are women and two of them are deputy prime ministers in the most "male sectors" - home affairs and defense. This was stated by Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Valery Borissov at the opening of the "Women in Technology" round table. According to him, the fact that ladies are assigned so great responsibilities is an especial recognition of the quality of Bulgarian women.