
Taxi drivers will obtain renewed certificates without passing an exam. This was agreed upon today by Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Ivaylo Moskovski and representatives of the taxi industry. 

The new package to reform the rules of the European Union (EU) in the field of electronic communications was presented by the European Commission on September 14, 2016. It is a set of initiatives and legislative proposals to implement the Strategy for Digital Single Market, which envisage ambitious reform of rules on electronic communications, new initiatives for Internet connectivity and improving European competitiveness.

All school buses and companies engaged in transportation of children and pupils have been inspected before the beginning of the school year, stated the Executive Director of Executive Agency "Road Transport Administration" Krassimir Kalaidjiev today, during an inspection of school buses in the capital. This is part of the security measures and prevention in school transportation undertaken by the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Ivaylo Moskovski.

Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Valery Borissov, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Hristo Angelichin and the Ambassador of the State of Israel Irit Lillian validated a postage stamp. This is the first joint postal-philatelic edition between the two countries.

The concession is the best solution for long-term development and competitiveness of the Bulgarian airports. This was stated by Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Ivaylo Moskovski, during today's official opening in Sofia at the international conference "European and American partnership on aviation business and investment."

Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Ivaylo Moskovski and Minister of Infrastructure of the Republic of Kosovo Lutfi Zharku have signed an agreement for road transport. The document will regulates the conditions for road transport of passengers and goods between Bulgaria and Kosovo, as well as transit traffic through the territories of both countries.

Legislative amendments proposing the division of the bus stations into three different categories are developed by order of the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications, Mr. Ivaylo Moskovski. This decision was reached as a result of a several months long discussions between experts and branch representatives for development of a new system, ensuring the provision of quality bus station services for citizens and carriers.

Bulgarian institutions and companies can participate in the sixth edition of the International Telecommunication Union - Awards Forum on Information Society 2017. On September 5 it was announced early submission of proposals. The competition is divided into 18 categories, including e-governance, communication infrastructure, access to knowledge and information, e-commerce and e-education.

We are working hard on the modernization of the railway direction from Serbia to Burgas, as well as on the railway branches to Greece and Turkey. This was stated today by the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Ivaylo Moskovski in Plovdiv at the opening of an international conference on logistics and combined transport in Southeast Europe. He added that by the end of this year the railway from September to Svilengrad, on which passenger trains will run at speed up to 160 km / h and freight trains at speed up to 120 km / h. will be completed.

Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Ivaylo Moskovski has proposed the introduction of profession "Application Programmer" for students from 9th to 12th grade. With this he expressed the support of the Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications to the project of the Bulgarian Association of Software Companies (BASCOM) for quality curriculum which can contribute to addressing the acute shortage of staff in the software industry.

The last part of the western section of the Sofia bypass will be opened on 14 September. This became clear after today's inspection of the site, which was attended by Prime Minister Boyko Borisov, the Minister of Regional Development and Public Works Lilyana Pavlova, the Chairman of the Board of the Agency "Road Infrastructure" eng. Lazar Lazarov, representatives of the Managing Authority of OP "Transport and transport infrastructure "and the contractor of the project.

The theoretical exams of applicants for driving license will be held only in the centres of Executive Agency "Road Transport Administration". This requirement shall take effect from tomorrow and is one of the amendments to Regulation 38. The amendments are part of the measures taken by the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Ivaylo Moskovski to stop malpractices in driving exams.

"Information Services" AD realized revenue of nearly 10 million BGN for the first seven months of the year and a profit of 524 000 BGN.

The company incurred increase of the revenue to the objectives set in the Business Plan. Upon comparison of the planned indicators emerges also increase by 5.3% of the profitability based on sales revenue.

In the period till 31 July 2016 is reported decline in spending by 5%, which is result of a consistent policy pursued in this direction by the management of "Information Services" AD.

The Seventh edition of the International Cartoon Festival for Mail Art (Mail Art) and Humorous Drawing - Smile Art Fest, starts on August 19, 2016 under the patronage of the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Ivaylo Moskovski.

Organizer of the Smile Art Fest is "Imeon-Balkans". This year the theme of the event is "Destination Balkans - Destination Bulgaria".

The Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications invites NGOs in the field of social inclusion and integration of minorities to participate in the election of representatives to the Monitoring Committee of the Operational Programme on "Transport and Transport Infrastructure" 2014 – 2020. The approved participants will have the right to attend meetings, give opinions and vote on decisions concerning EU funding of transport infrastructure projects.

Upon administration of Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Ivaylo Moskovski the victims of the floods in Macedonia will receive food, water and hygiene materials at the amount of 40 000 BGN. The aid has already been provided to the Bulgarian Red Cross.

Children in the areas recovering from the disaster will receive more than 6 200 baby purees and 5 000 diapers. The aid includes more than 22 000 liters of bottled water, over 8 200 cans, other food products and provision of material and technical resources to deal with the damage from the disaster.

In the "Maritime Rescue Coordination Center" (MRCC) within DG "Emergency and rescue activities" of EA "Maritime Administration" has not been received a direct signal about the incident during the Regatta "Cor Caroli".

At 12:49 am in the MRCC has been received unofficial information from a citizen who is not a participant in the race, without data on the situation and the exact location. However, the rescue boat "Spasitel 4" was sent to the area of the incident to render assistance, if necessary, to other boats because of the heavy hydro-meteorological situation.

At average 10 – 12 % higher price State forest enterprises sell timber via the system of electronic tenders, said Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Valery Borissov. Today he examined how operates the system on the sale of timber, which was elaborated by "Information Services" AD. The platform is used in the Southwestern state enterprise within the Ministry of Agriculture and Food.

Today were held four e-tenders with more than 36 registered candidates. The latter have been offered the sale 700 cubic meters of timber.

DG "Emergency and rescue activities" in the Executive Agency "Maritime Administration" has provided a boat to rescue a drowning Russian national near the breakwater of Varna. The rescue operation was conducted jointly with representatives of DG "Fire Safety and Population Protection".

Twelve electronic municipal services are already available to the residents and the companies in Radomir. Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Valery Borissov and the mayor Plamen Aleksiev personally examined how the system works. Among the first users of municipal electronic services in the city was Sylvia Mircheva. She submitted an online application for marital status and made a payment for the service via the Internet.