Термини на информационното общество
To the users of "e-glossary on Information Society"
Dear Users,
We present for you an "e-glossary on Information Society" elaborated by the Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications, aimed at expanding professional training and media education in the digital environment. We have reflected in Bulgarian and English the concepts we encounter most often in our work related to the implementation of information and communications technology in all spheres of public life.
Since 1994, when Bangmean first raised the idea of a global information society as a "revolution of human intelligence - a new way to live and work together" in the European public space through the decisions of the Summit on the Information Society in Geneva and Tunis to the EU Digital Single Market and the Council of Europe Strategies for Internet Governance have lasted more than two decades but no one can deny that we live in a completely changed world, with boundless opportunities and risks. The virtual reality conquers the minds of young generations who communicate, create and strive to realize their dreams through the Internet. The Internet is a public value that is increasingly relied on by people of all ages and professions for their everyday activities, access to information, knowledge and business. The web is a center for electronic communication, business, education, culture and innovation. It is the center of dialogue between societies and traditions and the free exercise of human rights.
This is an integrated world that puts higher demands on both people-to-people and professional-based, knowledge-based as a long-term goal.The environment in which we live imparts not only a new look to the world, but also a new language of communication, a new philosophy and a new conceptual apparatus, as well as a new style of expression. Taking all this into consideration, our team has created a database of terms in the information society that reflect the technical and social dimensions of the changes that have taken place. As the conditions that created this project are extremely dynamic, so our glossary will be dynamic and will develop as a living organism in the context of time, will be complemented and improved. To make it better , we will also rely on you, the users, especially on your active participation and on the constant interactive communication with suggestions and comments.
We look forward to our cooperation as experts in the different spheres as well as to the broadest public. We expect many questions from young people who are children of the information society. Good luck in the information society!
e-Glossary Team
Digital Subscriber Line. DSL technologies are designed to increase bandwidth available over standard copper telephone wires. Includes IDSL, HDSL, SDSL, ADSL, RADSL, VDSL, DSL-Lite.
DSL технологиите са предназначени да увеличат честотната лента, налична по стандартните медни телефонни проводници. Включва IDSL, HDSL, SDSL, ADSL, RADSL, VDSL, DSL-Lite.
The Extensible Markup Language is a markup language for documents containing structured information. Structured information contains both content (words, pictures, etc.) and some indication of what role that content plays (for example, content in a section heading has a different meaning from content in a footnote, which means something different than content in a figure caption or content in a database table, etc.). Almost all documents have some structure. A markup language is a mechanism to identify structures in a document. The XML specification defines a standard way to add markup to documents.
Разширимият език за маркиране е език за маркиране за документи, съдържащи структурирана информация. Структурираната информация съдържа както съдържание (думи, снимки и т.н.), така и някаква индикация за ролята на това съдържание възпроизвеждания (например съдържанието в заглавието на раздел има различно значение от съдържанието в бележка под линия, което означава нещо различно от съдържанието в надпис на фигура или съдържание в таблица на база данни и т.н.). Почти всички документи имат някаква структура. Езикът за маркиране е механизъм за идентифициране на структури в документ. Спецификацията XML дефинира стандартен начин за добавяне на маркировка към документи