Final Reports

On 09/02/2017, a tank-wagon loaded with propane-butane (LPG) of the freight train № 30582 in composition of 24 wagons (1532 tons) serviced by two electrical locomotives of Bulgarian Railway Company AD, derailed with the first bogie on railway line no 3 between Dalgopol and Komunari stations.

At approximately 06:20 AM on 03.09.2016, freight train No 50501 composed by 18 full with coal wagons and electric locomotive no 46033.7 with a gross mass of 1340 tonnes, departed from Voluyak station towards the Goljamo selo station. During the train movement, the twelfth wagon derailed at km 14+055. Since the towing locomotive was very powerful, the crew did not feel the sense of the derailed wagon. Upon entering of the train in the right track curve at km 23 755 and due to a fall in the pressure in the train main air pipe, the locomotive driver undertook quick stopping. In result of the inspection done afterwards, it was found that after the twelfth wagon derailed and inclined were the following five wagons,
At 12:24 PM on 28.08.2016 freight train (FT) No 50505 of BDZ Cargo departed from Stanyantsi shunting district in direction Stanyantsi – Voluyak – Dupnitsa. While passing transit through Petarch station and after exit switch no 2 , seven cars (from 4-th to 10-th) from the composition of the train derailed. The train was composed of 12 wagons loaded with coal, serviced by the leading locomotive No 43-551 and pushing locomotive No 45-166, and with a total mass of 924 tonnes.
No one was hurt in result of the accident.

Highball 4681 composed of locomotive 44-141 and 3 carriages with a total mass of 123 tons, engaged Mihailovo – Svoboda railway section from 12:05 to 12:55 hours LT, due to a fire occured in the locomotive engine while running.

While moving in Burgas – Karnobat direction on 14.09.2016, PT No 80290 (composed of EL No 44096 and two passenger wagons) got fire in its electrical locomotive in the Chernograd – Karnobat rail intersection. Immediately after smelling a smoke of the fire at approx. 15:00 LT, the locomotive crew stopped the train, called emergency and started fighting the fire with the fire extinguishers available.

At approx. 12:16 PM local time on 16.06.2016, while controlling the transit pass of fast train No 3622 through Dunavtsi station in Burgas – Sofia direction, the Traffic Manager on duty observed a smoke coming out from beneath the locomotive.

At approx. 11:07 PM on 13.04.2016 and while hauling regional train 8626 between the stations Aytos and Chernograd in Burgas – Sofia direction, electrical locomotive 44081.8 got fire in its engine compartment. The crew stopped the train, called the emergency and started fighting the fire. The fire was extinguished after 3,5 hrs. by the fire brigade.

Freight train № 50601 of 'BDZ - Freight Services' Ltd., loaded with cement, derailed shortly after midnight on 23.01.2016 while entering on fourth track in 'Dupnitsa' station. Nine loaded with cement wagons derailed. Severe damages were caused to the rolling stock and to the rail infrastructure, including overhead lines and signalling.

Around 9:00 a. m. on 13.10.2015, the locomotive crew of fast train No. 1621 noticed a smoke in the engine compartment of the locomotive while moving along track No. 1 from Sofia to Plovdiv in the section between Elin Pelin and Vakarel stations. The crew members took immediate action to put down the smoke and managed to extinguish the raising fire with the locomotive fire extinguishing installation and the portable fire-extinguishers available.

At around 9:47 p. m. on 09.08.2015 while implementing a shunt for attaching to the composition of the International fast train No. 493 traveling in Sofia-Plovdiv-Istanbul direction, the diesel locomotive No. 07-032 collided with the only wagon of the train at a speed of approximately 18 km per hour on the fifth track of Plovdiv station. The wagon was moved 7 meters as result of the collision.

In result of the collision, one passenger was seriously injured and another eight received light traumas.

It was inflicted a light damage to the only wagon of the train.