
It is important to me what the position of the “Greens” will be on the Mobility Package I, who, in view of this, support a Package that will not achieve decarbonisation in Europe but will lead to carbonization. This was stated by the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications – Rossen Jeliazkov, during a special briefing.

The twenty-fifth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Bulgaria and the Sovereign Order of Malta was marked by the launch of a postage stamp. The seal of validation was affixed by Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Andreana Atanasova and Secretary General for Foreign Policy of the Sovereign Maltese Order Stefano Ronca in the presence of President Rumen Radev and Grand Master Fra Giacomo Dalla Torre del Tempio di Sanguinetlo.

The first postal and philatelic edition dedicated to diplomatic relations between Bulgaria and Japan has been validated today. The lounch seal was put by Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Andreana Atanasova, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs George Georgiev, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Bulgaria Masato Watanabe and the Executive Director of Bulgarian Post Deyan Duneshki .

The introduction of the toll system is not an end in itself, but a necessity. This was stated by the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Rossen Jeliazkov within a discussion on the introduction of the toll system in Bulgaria, organized by the World Bank and the Road Infrastructure Agency.

Bulgaria supports the market development of the cloud service providers in the EU. This was stated by Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Rossen Jeliazkov at the Council of Ministers meeting on Telecommunications in Brussels. One of the topics today was "The European Union as a centre for ethical use of data".

The Bulgarian airspace has no structural problems and we are ready to share our positive experience in managing it. This was stated by the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications, Rossen Jeliazkov, during the debate on the future of the Single European Sky, which took place at the Transport Council meeting in Brussels.

Empty truck pick-up runs in the country of establishment every 4 weeks will result in a 3% increase in harmful emissions due to international freight transport. This was stated by the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Rossen Jeliazkov in Brussels, at the EU Council meeting, Transport format.

The Minister pointed out that Bulgaria could not show any flexibility regarding the return of the vehicle. In his words, this provision should definitely not be part of the Mobility Package I.

The state is obliged to continue to do all the diligence necessary for the development of Bulgarian aviation, following the principles of continuity and appreciation. With these words, the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Rossen Jeliazkov addressed the attendees at the ceremony of bestowing honorary awards to veterans from the Bulgarian aviation.

The Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications (MTITC) is a strategic partner in a technology and financial support initiative for startup companies that develop artificial intelligence based applications. This was announced today by Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Andreana Atanasova at the conference "Artificial Intelligence and I" in Sofia Tech Park. The event was organized by the Digital National Coalition, SAS Institute, Deloitte and Vivacom.

European Union’s Member States, including Bulgaria are working on a coordinated security mechanism for 5G networks. This was stated by the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Rossen Jeliazkov during the Cybersecurity Summit in Berlin. He added that in December the Council of the European Union is going to approve conclusions on the importance of the fifth-generation networks and security aspects.

Additional bandwidths for the development of fifth generation (5G) mobile networks were identified during the World Radiocommunication Conference. The Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Rossen Jeliazkov participated in the final sessions and the signing of the final documents on behalf of Bulgaria. The Forum is organized by the International Telecommunication Union and sets out the directions for the development of radio communications and radio spectrum management worldwide. This year's event took place in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt.

Cybersecurity is one of the most important issues in both defense and civil life. This was stated by the Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Andreana Atanasova at the opening of the Sofia Chapter Annual Conference AFCEA on Industry and HiTech for Defense and National Security.  In her words, the entry of high technology is important, but it can be both an advantage and a danger.

The Road Transport Administration inspection teams will be equipped with tablets, mobile POS terminals and printers. This was stated by the Executive Director of EA Road Transport Administration Boyko Ranovski during the presentation of a project for new electronic services, automation of data exchange with the Ministry of Interior and improvement of the control system.

In 2020, there will be “smart” cities in Bulgaria with fifth generation mobile networks. This was stated by  the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Rossen Jeliazkov during a discussion on “5G: Intelligent Transformation and Growth”. Representatives of the management of the Communications Regulation Commission, the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, the Ministry of Health, telecom operators and experts participated in the forum.

The 30th anniversary of the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child was marked today with the validation of a postal-philatelic edition. The validation seal was put by Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Andreana Atanasova, Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Policy Zornitsa Rusinova and the chairperson of the State Agency for Child Protection Eleonora Lilova.

The Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Rossen Jeliazkov and his Greek counterpart Konstantin Karamanlis have declared mutual interest in the continuation of the project for the creation of the Thessaloniki-Kavala-Alexandroupolis-Burgas-Varna-Rousse railway corridor. The two ministers participate in the Fourth Summit in Thessaloniki. The forum brings together representatives of governments and industry from the region and the world.

Geographic information systems are a tool for making responsible, important policy decisions at the state and local level. This was stated by the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Rossen Jeliazkov during the opening of a conference dedicated to the World GIS Day'2019. "I cannot imagine road, rail, maritime and river infrastructure without modern geographical data based applications," he said.

Bilateral relations between Bulgaria and the US were the basis of the talks between Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Rossen Jeliazkov and the new US Ambassador to Bulgaria, Herro Mustafa. "We have been working very well with the United States for years, especially in the field of high technology, high value-added services and shared services," said Rossen Jeliazkov. Digital transformation and new technologies pose challenges for all countries to cope with cyber threats.

We have no ambition to turn Bulgarian Posts EAD into a monopoly in the market for distribution and sale of print media. This was announced by Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Rossen Jeliazkov during a press briefing. 

Fifth generation 5G mobile networking services are the basis of smart cities, where technologies are implemented for the benefit of residents, of environmentally friendly and sustainable solutions. This was stated by the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Rossen Jeliazkov during the presentation of the new technology capabilities.

"5G operates at 100 times the speed, at least 1 million devices per square kilometer can be connected, there is almost no delay in data transmission speed," the minister said during a presentation organized by Vivacom.