
Bulgaria is among the four leading countries in Europe for the management of ship traffic. This was stated by the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Rossen Jeliazkov at the opening of the international conference "20 Years of Ship Traffic in Bulgaria" in Varna today.

Since the beginning of the month, we have done over 1000 inspections of companies that transport children and students. This was stated by the Deputy Executive Director of the Automobile Administration IA Damian Voinowski during the launch of the joint initiative of the Automobile Administration IA and the Ministry of Interior for the control of the school bus route.

We are working on the initiative of the Sofia Municipality for the construction of a bicycle and pedestrian alley from VTU Todor Kableshkov to Pioner Station. This was stated by the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications, Rossen Jeliazkov, during the presentation of the idea of ​​building a Green Ring in the capital by the mayor Yordanka Fandakova and the chief architect of the city Zdravko Zdravkov.

The concept of legislative proposals related to the Road Traffic Act will be presented within a few weeks. This was stated by Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Rossen Jeliazkov during a hearing before the line committee at the National Assembly.

Governments need to create an environment to encourage investments and the deployment of 5G networks and services. This was Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Rossen Jeliazkov’s call during a Ministerial Roundtable on the role of government in 5G and high-capacity network deployment. The event took place in Budapest as part of the ITU Telecom World 2019.    

Fifty-six transport operators provide services that require cybersecurity measures. This was stated by Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Andreana Atanasova during a roundtable on "New administrative arrangements in the field of network and information security - challenges and solutions". She specified that there are most operators in the so-called water transport. "Essential services".

We need to achieve synergies between € 3 billion in European funds over the next 7-year period and the efforts of economic operators to build high-speed digital infrastructure. This was stated by Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Rossen Jeliazkov during the opening of the Regional Seminar: "Connecting Europe Facility 2 (CEF 2): New digital opportunities".

By order of Minister Rossen Jeliazkov we have created an organization to strengthen the control of road transport of passengers and goods in connection with the upcoming holidays and the first school day. This was stated by Executive Director of EA Automobile Administration Boyko Ranowski at a briefing at the Ministry of the Interior for presenting the planned measures by the responsible institutions due to the expected increase of traffic on the roads during the weekends.

The Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Rossen Jeliazkov together with the Mayor of Sofia Yordanka Fandakova and the Executive Director of Metropolitan EAD Prof. Stoyan Bratoev checked the progress of the construction activities from Stage 1 on the third subway line in Sofia. The stretch is 8 km long and includes 8 metro stations between Vladimir Vazov Blvd. and Krasno Selo Residential Area. The line is expected to be put into operation at the end of the year.

The Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Andreana Atanasova validates a postage stamp on the theme "Great Travelers: Solomon Andre". The press for putting into use was also affixed by the project author Simeon Krastev.

“The postage stamp is an expression of Bulgarian respect for the great traveler and explorer Solomon Andre. His idea for the first balloon flight to the North Pole. The Swedish polar explorer has contributed to the study of species and to meteorology, "said Deputy Minister Andreana Atanasova.

Bulgaria has a maritime flag and the interest of Bulgarian shipowners is fully protected.

Each year, a new list of flag states is published in the annual report of the Paris Memorandum of Understanding on State Port Control, which lists the flag state concerned in white, gray and black, depending on the performance of their vessels when inspected in the Paris Memorandum region for port State control.

This list is based on the total number of checks and detentions for a three-year continuous flag period with at least 30 checks per period.

I will not allow any increase in the administrative burden and speculation about lobbying in the regulation of service activity and vehicle registration. This was announced to the media by the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications, Rossen Jeliazkov on the occasion of the texts proposed for public discussion regulating the activity of car services and the initial registration of motor vehicles.

In order to carry out the verification, the Directorate General Civil Aviation Administration requires the operating air carriers from and to the international airports of the Republic of Bulgaria to notify the Directorate General Civil Aviation Administration (DG CAA) in writing within seven days about: the reasons for the delay and / or the delay on a flight from the beginning of 2019 to the present; the terms, conditions and manner of fulfillment of the obligation of the air carriers to inform passengers about their rights under art.

In connection with the increased delays in flights, Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Rossen Jeliazkov ordered the Civil Aviation Administration (DG CAA) to start inspections of air carriers operating from and to Bulgaria. DG CAA inspectors will monitor compliance with European legislation, the establishment of common rules for compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding, cancellation or long delays.

Carriers are required to provide information on the reasons for delays or cancellations.

The Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications calls on Bulgarian organizations and citizens to participate in a public consultation of the European Commission on the Digital Agenda for Europe 2021-2027. The program has a budget of € 9.2 billion. The public consultation focuses on the priorities and project proposals for the first 2 years of the 2021-2022 program.

An impact assessment is a prerequisite for the Committee on Transport and Tourism of the European Parliament to make a coherent and fair decision on the three Mobility Package I dossiers, as this opportunity was heretofore missed. The Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications, Rossen Jeliazkov, appealed with that statement to the Chair of the Committee on Transport and Tourism of the European Parliament, Karima Delli.

The Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications, Rossen Jeliazkov, made an appeal to Finland to be a neutral broker, as a Presidency of the Council of the EU, during the discussions on the Mobility Package I. This happened during conversations between Minister Rossen Jeliazkov and the Minister of Transport and Communications of Finland, Sanna Marin. The meeting is part of the visit of the Bulgarian Minister at the European Parliament where the forthcoming steps about the Mobility Package I are being discussed.

The Minister of transport, Information Technology and Communications, Rossen Jeliazkov met the ministers of transport of Poland, Hungary, Lithuania and Latvia at the EP. The positions of the like-minded Member States on the Mobility Package I were discussed, with the Romanian representative official stated that Romania will definitely join the group of the like-minded group and will actively participate in the negotiations on the Package.

5G technology is a revolution for the economy, industry, society and people. This was stated by the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Rossen Jeliazkov during the first call via 5G mobile network in Bulgaria. The demonstration was part of the series of 5G practice tests carried out by Telenor Telecommunication Company.

By the end of 2021 the Bulgarian road section Slivnitsa - Dragoman - Serbian border will be successfully completed. This was announced by the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Rossen Jeliazkov today in the framework of his visit to Serbia.