
The minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications, Ivaylo Moskovski, inspected the area of the oil spill near the town of Sozopol. The team onboard of EA Maritime Administration’s cutter monitored the measures to contain the oil spill and discussed further measures.

The oil spill in the region of Sozopol is under control, there is no danger neither for environment, nor for the tourists, stated the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications, Ivaylo Moskovski, and the Minister of Environment and Waters, Nino Dimov, at a briefing following a meeting of Burgas Regional Administration Operational Team.

Two teams of EA "Automobile Administration" are at the scene of the accident with a bus on “Trakia” motorway and another team of inspectors has been sent to the office of the transport company "Union Ivkoni". This was announced by the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications, Ivaylo Moskovski in a joint briefing with the Minister of Regional Development and Public Works Nikolay Nankov. The two ministers expressed condolences to the relatives of those who died in today's accident.

We would not allow awarding procedures at BDZ or any other state enterprise through the media, said the Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Velik Zanchev addressing public statements made by private companies that participate in engine repair tender procedures.

Bulgaria takes over the Presidency of the Council of the EU in a period with very intensive digital agenda. This was stated by the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications, Ivaylo Moskovski during the hearing at the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) - European Parliament.    

The Bulgarian experience in issuing international transport permits (CEMT) was highly appreciated during a meeting of the International Road Transport Group at the International Transport Forum (ITF) held on October 12-13, 2017 in Moscow. During the forum, discussions were launched on determine the ECMT/CEMT permits allocation approach after 2019.

Krassimir Srebrov is the new Executive Director of the Road Transport Administration (RTA) Executive Agency. He took this position after a request by the former head of the Agency, Krasimir Kalaidjiev, for his release because of reaching retirement age.

We have invested 70 mil. BGN for the rehabilitation of the 26 km long railway section from Skutare to Orizovo, stated Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Velik Zanchev during the ground breaking ceremony of the section. In his words, construction activities should finish by the beginning of 2019 and hence the trains could travel at speed between 130 and 160 km/h. He said that Belozem railway station will be also modernized within a year and a half.

Bulgaria and Greece have agreed to extend the multimodal transport corridor between the two countries connecting the ports of Varna, Bourgas, Kavala and Alexandroupolis during a meeting between the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Ivaylo Moskovski and the Greek Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Christos Spirtzis.

Concessions are good form of governance, as the assets remain state-owned, and in the same time is invested in them. That stated the Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Velik Zanchev during the eighteenth discussion of the campaign “Yes! To the Bulgarian Economy”, which took place in Plovdiv.

At the present stage, two procedures for granting to a concession of sites of the transport infrastructure are being conducted at MTITC – for Plovdiv Airport and for Plovdiv Intermodal Terminal.

The European Commission (EC) approved the Bulgarian support measures in favor of BDZ. Brussels found that the measures are in line with the European Union (EU) state aid rules. It has become clear today by the received official notification from the Commission.

All Financing Agreements on the Metro have been signed in Sofia. It became clear during the Seventh Meeting of the Monitoring Committee of OP on “Transport and Transport Infrastructure”, which took place in the period 6 - 7 June in Sandanski. The financial resources provided under OPTTI for the construction of the third metro line are slightly over 400 million euro. "At the end of May will start the construction of the second stage, which includes 4 new metro stations to Gorna Banya residential area”, pointed out Galina Vassileva.

We have the will and we have been already working intensely for reducing the road accidents. That stated the Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Anguel Popov at the opening ceremony of the International Exposition for Trucks TRUCK EXPO 2017. According to him in order to achieve this objective, one of the measures that will be undertaken is to strengthen the control and collaboration between the different institutions responsible for the road safety.

Strengthened inspections in the capital to the harmful emissions from the automobiles are about to begin. The Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Anguel Popov, the Deputy Minister of Interior Stefan Balabanov, the Executive Director of EA “Automobile Administration” Krasimir Kalaydjiev and the Head of the Traffic Police Department with the Sofia Interior Ministry Directorate Commissioner Tencho Tenev agreed on that.

The development of the railway connection along East-West direction is one of the most effective ways for transport of goods and freights between the countries of the two continents. That opinion was shared during the meeting of the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Ivaylo Moskovski and the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Azerbaijan, who is also a chief negotiator with the European Union and the World Trade Organization- Mahmud Mamad-Guliev.

Our main task is to accelerate the work on the implementation of the priorities in the governmental programme. That stated the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Ivaylo Moskovski, during the MTITC governance handover ceremony. He said also that he has had the possibility to convince himself in the professionalism of the experts at the Ministry and he will count on their maturity and experience within the realization of the policies in the field of transport, information technology and communications as well as within the solving of difficult tasks.

Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Hristo Alexiev sent a congratulation address on the occasion of the opening of the exposition "Innovation, business and education in transport 2017".

"The introduction of innovative products and solutions is of utmost importance for the development of transport. In the current conditions of globalization, the competitiveness and sustainability of transport companies depend on the ability of companies to adapt to innovation and new market requirements", said Minister Hristo Alexiev.

The Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Lubomir Hadjiysky inspected a common training of Sofia Airport and Municipal Directorate Fire Safety and Civil Protection.

The training is three days as today has been performed at the Cargo compartment of Terminal 2. In the training have participated teams of over 30 persons, 8 firefighting vehicles and other equipment.

България подкрепя инициативите на Европейската комисия за привличане на повече частни инвестиции в транспортния сектор, които да надграждат и допълват инвестициите с публични средства. Това каза министърът на транспорта, информационните технологии и съобщенията Христо Алексиев по време на транспортна конференция за инвестиции в транспорта. Министърът посочи, че тези инструменти могат да допълват традиционните финансови източници (европейски фондове, национален бюджет и др.), но не и да ги заменят напълно. По думите му включването на Европейската инвестиционна банка в този процес е от съществено значение, тъй като предварителната подготовка на всеки един проект е определяща за неговото реализиране и изпълнение.

„МТИТС има добро сътрудничество с ЕИБ в сферата на консултантската дейност, и се надявам занапред да осигурят още по-голяма подкрепа в подготовката на трансгранични проекти, с фокус върху железопътните коридори. По този начин ще се постигне устойчивост и мултиплициращ ефект на проектите в дългосрочен план“, каза министър Алексиев.

В рамките на втория ден от форума министър Христо Алексиев проведе двустранни срещи с еврокомисаря по транспорт Виолета Булц, както и с министрите на транспорта на Украйна и Черна гора.

По време на срещата с Виолета Булц, министър Алексиев представи инвестициите в транспорта, които ще бъдат реализирани с хоризонт до 2022 г. Той посочи, че трябва да има общи стандарти за проектите в рамките на Европейския съюз за да бъде постигната оперативна съвместимост на транспортните системи. Комисар Булц изрази позиция, че страните членки трябва да черпят опит и добри практики по между си, както и да си партнират в общите проекти. Христо Алексиев даде пример с проекта Бургас – Александруполис и заяви, че има много добро сътрудничество с гръцката страна и съвсем скоро ще бъдат предприети съвместни действия по този въпрос.

В рамките на среща с министъра на транспорта и морските въпроси на Черна гора Осман Нуркович беше обсъдено възобновяването на спогодба между двете държави в сферата на автомобилните превози. Последната спогодба е от 2011 г. и в момента се подготвя актуализиран вариант на документа, който предстои да бъде съгласуван от двете държави.

На среща с министъра на инфраструктурата на Украйна Володимир Омелян беше обсъден проекта за изграждането на автомагистрала между Украйна, Румъния, България и Гърция. Министър Омелян заяви, че украинската страна ще организира среща между държавите в обхвата на проекта и се надява да бъде постигнато съгласие за изграждането на магистралата. Министър Алексиев посочи, че България подкрепя този проект и ще се включи в предстоящите дискусии. Украинският министър сподели, че гръцкият му колега също е изразил подкрепа към инициативата и ще се включи в съвместна среща.

След края на конференцията министър Христо Алексиев, европейският комисар Виолета Булц и кметът на София Йорданка Фандъкова посетиха метростанции Европейски съюз и Сердика. Виолета Булц заяви, че е впечатлена както от археологията, така и от съвременния европейски облик на метростанциите.

Approximately 4 billion BGN will be invested in our transport infrastructure until 2020 on Operational Programme on Transport and Transport Infrastructure and 406 million BGN on the Connecting Europe Facility. That stated the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Hristo Alexiev during the opening ceremony of the Regional Transport Investment Conference. The event is organized by the Mobility and Transport General Directorate of the EC in collaboration with the Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications.