
Purposeful state policy and investment in maritime education are needed. This is what the Minister of Transport and Communications Nikolay Sabev said at a meeting in the National Assembly with representatives of the maritime industry.

The participants in the dialogue pointed out that there was little interest in certain extremely important specialties in maritime transport. Therefore, the capacity of retired captains and professionals who could contribute with their experience and knowledge would be used.

Teams of Economic Police, National Police Directorate General (GDNP), Road Transport Administration Executive Agency (RTA) and Customs Agency carried out joint inspections at Kapitan Andreevo border checkpoint. The operation took place from 10 to 12 December 2021 as part of the interdepartmental specialized police operation and the international operation of Europol OPSON 11.

For the last 30 years there has been an increase in harmful emissions by 52 percent, the main reason being road transport. This is what the Deputy Minister of Transport and Communications Alexander Pulev stated in the framework of a discussion panel "Plan for Sustainability, Energy and the European Green Deal" within the Webit Forum in Sofia Tech Park.

We are here to speed up the economic development in the field of transport and reduce the time  needed to transport passengers and goods. This is what the newly appointed Minister of Transport and Communications Nikolay Sabev announced upon receiving the management of the institution by the recent Minister Hristo Alexiev.

I sent the two audit reports on BDZ's contracts for the repair of multiple-unit trains and wagons with Alstom and the Dryanovo plant to the Prosecutor's Office. This is what the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Hristo Alexiev stated after conducting an inspection at the Sofia Locomotive Depot.

EU Ministers responsible for Transport met on 9 December 2021 in Brussels. The Bulgarian delegation was headed by Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Christina Velinova. The agenda of the meeting included a review of the Fit for 55 Package, regulations on sustainable air transport (ReFuelEU Aviation Regulations), the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure and the use of renewable and low-carbon fuels in maritime transport (FuelEU Maritime).

We must work to ensure universal access to the Internet, respect for fundamental human rights and child online protection. This was stated by Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Alexander Poulev during his participation in the Council of Ministers, "Telecommunications" format. The forum took place today in Brussels.

A procedure for design and construction of a Bulgarian specialized search and rescue ship has been launched. This is what the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Hristo Alexiev stated in the framework of a meeting with Veselin Milanov, Assistant Rector of the Technical University of Varna and Capt. Andrey Stanev, an expert in marine technology at the Technical University and captain of the rescue tugboat of BMF-Varna, which participated in the rescue operation of Vera Su.

The Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Alexander Pulev and the Chairman of the Supreme Administrative Court Georgi Cholakov launched a postage stamp dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the restoration of the judicial institution.

We are entering the last two years of the implementation of the Programming Period 2014 - 2020, during which 50% of the Program budget or about BGN 2 billion must be utilized. This was stated by the Head of the Managing Authority of OP "Transport and Transport Infrastructure" 2014-2020 Eng. Galina Vasileva during the meeting of the Monitoring Committee of the Program, which took place in the period 25-26 November. She added that currently 87% of the Program's budget, amounting to BGN 3.122 billion, has been agreed.

An intermodal hub will be built on the border between Bulgaria and Serbia. This was agreed by the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Hristo Alexiev and the Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure of the Republic of Serbia Tomislav Momirovic during a meeting today in Dimitrovgrad, Serbia.

All the commitments I made to the road transport industry will be fulfilled. This was stated by the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Hristo Alexiev.

The Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Hristo Alexiev issued an order announcing transparent competitions for the selection of members of the management and control bodies of some of the public enterprises within MTITC

Competitions have been announced for the selection of:

The European Commission's Annual Progress Report on the Digital Economy and Society acknowledges Bulgaria's contribution in implementation the EU's pan-European goals in the field of eHealth. This was commented by the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Hristo Alexiev on the occasion of the published document. He said that according to the report, Bulgaria is one of the first countries in the European Union to introduce a digital green certificate.

Officials of Economic Police – Sofia Directorate of Interior, Road Transport Administration Regional Directorate and the National Revenue Agency (NRA) conducted a joint operation against the illegal transportation of passengers on the territory of Sofia Municipality.

The Bulgarian state has incurred expenses in the amount of BGN 2 million for the operation to salvage the cargo ship Vera Su and this amount will be presented to the insurers of the vessel next week. This is what the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Hristo Alexiev said to journalists in Varna.

The ship was moved to TEREM-SHIPYARD so that it could be reinforced and then placed on the quay, because presently it generated additional costs for draining water out of it every day, the Minister added.

The total number of COVID certificates downloaded through the National Health Information System exceeded 2 million. Only for the last 10 days, when the new anti-epidemic measures were introduced, the users have downloaded more than 1.05 million documents, which is 52% of the total number of certificates. The certificate generation system was put into operation on June 1, 2021.

The Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications announced a competition for the election of two members – representatives of the State in the Board of Directors of Plovdiv Airport EAD.

When the State acts adequately, plans properly and relies on its people, it can push itself off the bottom. This is what the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Hristo Alexiev stated at a briefing on the occasion of the successful operation to release the cargo ship "Vera Su" from the Yailata area.