
The Ministry of Transport and Communications received an award for good cooperation with the newspaper ‘Stroitel’ (‘Constructor’). The honorary plaque was presented to the Deputy Minister for Transport and Communications Dimitar Nedyalkov during a ceremony for the 15th birthday of the publication of the Bulgarian Construction Chamber (BCC).

Today we have changed the time not only of the clocks, but also of Bulgaria's development on its European path. This is what the Minister of Transport and Communications Georgi Gvozdeykov said after today's ceremony at Sofia Airport for the accession of our country to the Schengen area. He added that thanks to the hard work of many people over the past months the door to Schengen is already open and Bulgaria's full membership is a matter of time.

The first 19 will arrive in mid-April, and by the beginning of the summer all the wagons will be included in the BDZ fleet

BDZ-Passenger Carriages Ltd. and Deutsche Bahn today signed a contract for the delivery of 76 modernized passenger cars. The first 19 of these will arrive in Bulgaria in April, and the remaining 57 will be delivered on schedule by early June. With these funds BDZ will modernize over 20% of its rolling stock and will serve the busiest routes from Sofia to Varna, Burgas and Ruse.

In 2023, the Bulgarian aviation sector has reached 92% of its 2019 results. This became clear during the Annual Awards of the Association of Bulgarian Airlines (ABA), where the annual analysis of the Bulgarian aviation market was also presented. Deputy Minister of Transport and Communications Anna Mihneva-Natova presented one of the awards to prof. Boris Bornev. The award is for his contribution to the preservation of the historical heritage of Bulgarian civil aviation and in the training of aviation cadres.

Deputy Minister of Transport and Communications Dimitar Nedyalkov participated in a discussion on road safety at 132 Vanya Voynova Secondary School in Sofia. He briefed the students present on the main requirements related to the training of driver candidates, paying special attention to the compulsory elements in the practical training.

Bulgaria Heli Med Services EAD already has an aviation operator certificate to perform emergency medical services by air — HEMS. This is what the Minister for Transport and Communications Georgi Gvozdeykov said today during the first training flight with the Bulgarian helicopter.

National Railway Infrastructure Company is going to significantly upgrade the mechanisation for the maintenance of the railway with the aim to reduce the time for the restoration of traffic in emergency situations. This was stated by Deputy Minister of Transport and Communications Biser Minchev at a seminar on technical innovations in rail transport, organized by Plasser & Theurer.

The Bulgarian Maritime Training Centre now has up-to-date equipment for the practical training of seafarers in firefighting. So far, such a system has not been used in Bulgaria and the Balkan Peninsula. Its presentation today in Varna was attended by the Deputy Minister of Transport and Communications Anna Mihneva-Natova.

The important tasks for the rest of the year are the finalisation of the procurement of new rolling stock funded under the Recovery and Resilience Plan and the construction of three operational bases for air ambulance. This was stated by the Minister of Transport and Communications Georgi Gvozdeykov during the government's report today in the Council of Ministers, where the ministers presented their top priorities for the next nine months.

‘A few days before Sofia Airport becomes an open door to the Schengen area, an automatic boarding pass checking system is introduced. This is very important in view of the approaching holidays and the summer season, when the number of travellers is growing,’ Deputy Minister of Transport and Communications Anna Mihneva-Natova said at the opening of the new smart counters at Terminal 2.

Investment in people and human capital development is the key component that drives any successful business model. This was announced by the Minister of Transport and Communications Georgi Gvozdeykov during the official ceremony ‘Investor of the Year 2023’.

Minister Gvozdeykov presented the award in the category ‘Investment in Human Capital’ to Technical Components Bulgaria EOOD The company was established in Vidin and works in the field of electronics, producing components and systems for energy efficient heating and air conditioning.

The State Aviation Operator (SAO) will not stop flying due to lack of fuel. This topic is being speculated, with incorrect and distorted information being disseminated in the public domain to create panic. This is what the Minister of Transport and Communications Georgi Gvozdeykov told the media today, on the occasion of information circulated yesterday.

SAO has already signed the new aviation fuel supply contract with Shell & MOH Aviation. Under the terms of the contract, the price per tonne is similar to that of the previous supplier.

Minister Gvozdeykov and EIB Vice President Kyriacos Kakouris discussed partnership opportunities in the postal and railway sector

Opportunities for partnership in the implementation of investment policies in Bulgarian Posts EAD and in the railway sector were discussed today at a meeting between the Minister of Transport and Communications Georgi Gvozdeykov and the Vice President of the European Investment Bank (EIB) Kyriacos Kakouris.

Grain carriers with loads of more than 50 tonnes have been caught, while up to 40 tonnes are allowed

The Department of Transport and Communications has been recognised in the Annual Road Safety Awards. The award in the category ‘Road Safety Initiatives by State Administrations’ was presented to Minister Georgi Gvozdeykov for the implementation of the air ambulance system in Bulgaria.

‘Road safety is a priority for society and our main task. Everyone can contribute to this great goal of reducing road casualties. This is also achieved through education, which starts at home,’ Minister Georgi Gvozdeykov said.

The Minister of Transport and Communications Georgi Gvozdeykov signed today a contract for the delivery of 9 electric shunting locomotives, which will be purchased with funds under the Recovery and Resilience Plan.

The Burgas region has the potential to be an economic hub on the Balkans. This was stated by the Deputy Minister of Transport and Communications Anna Natova at the opening of the third edition of the National Forum on Air Transport Connectivity and New Opportunities for Tourism and Partnerships in the Black Sea Region and Southeast Bulgaria.

By mid-March, an agreement on cooperation shall be prepared, which will regulate joint inspections of small and unconventional vessels by representatives of the Executive Agency Maritime Administration, the Border Police Directorate General and the Ministry of Environment and Water. This was decided by the Committee on Safety of Navigation and Environmental Protection from Ship Pollution. The meeting took place at the Ministry of Transport and Communications and was chaired by Deputy Minister Anna Mihneva-Natova.

The Minister of Transport and Communications Georgi Gvozdeykov and the Minister of Civil Aviation of Egypt Mohamed Abbas Helmi discussed the signing of a new Air Transport Agreement. Minister Georgi Gvozdeykov and Deputy Minister Anna Mihneva-Natova are part of the delegation led by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Maria Gabriel, which is visiting the Arab country today.

UMBAL Sveta Ekaterina is the second hospital in the capital to have a registered hospital heliport. This is the first medical facility to have a rooftop heliport. The Director General of DG Civil Aviation Administration Anelia Marinova handed over today the registration documents to the Executive Director of the hospital Prof. Dr. Dimitar Petkov.