Public Relations and Protocol

<p><strong>Public Relations and Protocol</strong></p><p>Director of the Directorate<br />e-mail:</p><p>9, Dyakon Ignatiy str., Sofia 1000<br />Public Relation and Protocol Directorate:<br />e-mail:&nbsp;<a href=""></a></p&gt;

Plamen Stanchev takes over the management of Sofia Airport EAD by Order of the Minister of Transport and Communications Nikolay Sabev.

The current Executive Director of Sofia Airport EAD, Krassimir Peshev, has been appointed a member of the Board of Directors of Plovdiv Airport EAD together with Doychin Angelov, pending a competition procedure.

Plamen Spasov and Petar Georgiev are released from the management of Plovdiv Airport EAD without being released from responsibility.

The Minister of Transport and Communications Nikolay Sabev released the executive director of "Transport Construction and Restoration" Bozhidar Dzhelebov, and with this act he is not released from responsibility.

Ivo Yanakiev has been appointed a member of the Board of Directors of the company until a competition procedure is held.

The decision is in connection with the company's activities regarding the contract for the deepening of the Port of Varna, which is subject to checks by the Ministry of Interior and the Prosecutor's Office.

"Plovdiv Railway Junction is one of the most important railway sites in Bulgaria, of great regional, economic and strategic significance. With the modernization of infrastructure and new rolling stock we will achieve the strategic goal - Bulgaria on track. This is our goal, which we would like to develop and achieve, namely the society to benefit from modern, fast and comfortable railway transport", the Deputy Minister of Transport and Communications Bozhidar Kostadinov said during the first-sod-turning ceremony of a project for the development of Plovdiv Railway Junction.

The Ministry of Transport and Communications sent letters to the mayors of Ruse and Burgas, asking them to take action to transfer ownership of Ruse Airport and Ravnets Airport to the structure of the Ministry.

This is part of a targeted policy to restore the operation of small regional airports.

Minister Sabev proposes that airports become state-owned within the meaning of Art. 43 b of the Civil Aviation Act. This will allow them to be managed by an airport operator with 100% State participation, and without the need for changes in the laws.

Bulgaria will build a national infrastructure and supply, installation and personalization of a graphical user interface for Integrated Maritime Surveillance, allowing cross-border and transectoral exchange of information within Bulgaria and the European Union, based on the CISE data model.

The platform of a national CISE Node will be built under the project "Implementation of Integrated Bulgarian Maritime Surveillance (InBulMarS), based on a Common Information Sharing Environment (CISE) for monitoring the EU maritime territory - with the acronym InBulMarS 2 ”.

Today, the Minister of Transport invited experts from Germany to prepare a logistical plan for the development of multimodal transport in Bulgaria and the efficiency of the transport network in our country. That was announced during a meeting between the Minister of Transport and Communications Nikolay Sabev, Deputy Minister Vladimir Varbanov and a representative of the Executive Board of the Port of Duisburg Thomas Schlipköter.

Daniela Vezieva has been appointed a Member of the Board of Directors of Holding BDZ EAD.

She will take the position after recording it in the Commercial Register.

"The thorough focus of the economic model will be on the customer. The railways are the green future of European Bulgaria", Vezieva commented on her priorities.

Bulgaria and Georgia have a common vision for the development of economic relations between the two countries, as it was pointed out during a meeting between the Minister of Transport and Communications Nikolay Sabev and the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Georgia H.E. Tamuna Liluashvili.

The role of the Public Defender is very important for the Ministry of Transport and Communications, because the two institutions can work together to make citizens been heard and to have a strong civil society. This is what the Minister of Transport and Communications Nikolay Sabev stated at a meeting today with the Ombudsman Diana Kovacheva. The reason for the talks was the opinion of the Public Defender on the effectiveness of car eco-stickers.

Plans for the development of water transport are based on smart, sustainable and comprehensive growth, at a fundamentally new level, meeting the new political, economic and social goals. This is what the Deputy Minister of Transport and Communications Vladimir Varbanov said at the ceremony marking the 141st Anniversary of the establishment of the Naval Academy "N. Y. Vaptsarov".

Purposeful state policy and investment in maritime education are needed. This is what the Minister of Transport and Communications Nikolay Sabev said at a meeting in the National Assembly with representatives of the maritime industry.

The participants in the dialogue pointed out that there was little interest in certain extremely important specialties in maritime transport. Therefore, the capacity of retired captains and professionals who could contribute with their experience and knowledge would be used.

An intermodal hub will be built on the border between Bulgaria and Serbia. This was agreed by the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Hristo Alexiev and the Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure of the Republic of Serbia Tomislav Momirovic during a meeting today in Dimitrovgrad, Serbia.

The Bulgarian state has incurred expenses in the amount of BGN 2 million for the operation to salvage the cargo ship Vera Su and this amount will be presented to the insurers of the vessel next week. This is what the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Hristo Alexiev said to journalists in Varna.

The ship was moved to TEREM-SHIPYARD so that it could be reinforced and then placed on the quay, because presently it generated additional costs for draining water out of it every day, the Minister added.

Today, the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Hristo Alexiev held a series of meetings at the Maritime Administration - Varna in connection with resolving the situation around the trade ship Vera SU. The Minister met with representatives of the salvage company, the ship's insurer and the cargo insurer.

Due to the weather conditions, there is no change in the circumstances around the cargo ship Vera SU. The big waves today give the impression that the vessel is displaced. A representative of Maritime Administration Executive Agency is on site and monitors the condition of the ship, not reporting a change.

A Bulgarian captain and crew should board the ship Vera Su in order to control the situation and prevent diversion. This is what the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Hristo Alexiev ordered after the evacuation of the crew of the ship announced earlier today.

Last night, all of the settings were made for the evacuation of the crew of the stranded ship VERA SU in the area of Yailata. "Actions are preventive, the State must have a preliminary plan and model of behavior, and not wait for the last moment", Minister Alexiev said. A team of nine climbers and divers have developed two parallel methods for possible evacuation - a cable car type "trolley" and a safety net.

The long-lasting lack of equipment and procedures for emergency situations, such as the shipwreck at the Yailata area near Kamen Bryag, is punishable by law irresponsibility, the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Hristo Alexiev stated.

"The construction of the longest two-pipe railway tunnel, built so far in Bulgaria and at the Balkans, has started today," Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Georgi Todorov said. He started the construction activities under a project for modernization of the Elin Pelin-Vakarel railway section. The site is part of the main railway highway in the direction East - West and is one of the extremely important for Bulgaria and neighboring countries European Corridor No. 8 and the passing TEN-T Network in our country.

The railway connectivity of the countries of the Western Balkans is of exceptional importance, which necessitates the rapid implementation of infrastructure projects in the directions to Serbia and Northern Macedonia. This is what the Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Neli Andreeva announced at the launch ceremony of the project "Development of the Railway Junction: Sofia-Voluyak". It is co-financed by the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF).