
Since the beginning of June, there is new work organization to the inspectors Road Transport Administration Executive Agency. This is what the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Georgi Todorov announced at the start of the non-scheduled inspections of the Road Transport Administration Executive Agency for control of passenger and cargo transportation.

The Caretaker Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Georgi Todorov met with representatives of the bus branch. In the framework of the talks, the main issues facing the bus sector were discussed.

In the next Programming Period under the Transport Connectivity Program we will modernize railway station complexes in the direction Sofia-Pernik-Radomir. This is what the Caretaker Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Neli Andreeva said ат the opening of the renovated reception building at Kazichene Railway Station. According to her, the specific parameters of the projects will be known after the approval of the Program by the European Commission.

The suspension or restriction of road transport has serious consequences on the economy and the quality of life in all EU Member States, as stated the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Georgi Todorov in Plovdiv during the opening of the automobile exhibition - TRUCK EXPO 2021. According to him, all sectors in the EU suffered from the restrictions on the transportation of goods and people last year and especially in the first months of the pandemic, which is indicative of the important role of road transport for the stability of the Union.

The Three Seas Initiative is an opportunity for synergy that will further contribute to the acceleration and sustainable development of the connectivity and joint economic development of the participating countries. This is what the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Georgi Todorov stated in the framework of a Session on Innovation and Connectivity, which was part of the Three Seas Initiative Conference on Unity, Innovation and Connectivity.

An Integrated Maritime Policy is a key factor in the recovery of the European economy after the pandemic. This is what the Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Neli Andreeva stated at the framework of a Ministerial Conference on a Blue Agenda in the Green Deal.  The event took place today in Lisbon, Portugal, on the occasion of June 8 –  World Oceans Day.

The Ministry of Transport, Information Technologies and Communications is starting the preparation of the Thematic Plan for issuing postage stamps in 2022. By August 31, 2021, proposals for marking events of public, national or global significance, as well as and round anniversaries and celebrations.

I will not allow a delay in the payment of pensions in Vidin and the schedules for receiving the funds will be met. The caretaker Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Georgi Todorov commented in connection with the unsuccessful attempt for robbery of a post office in the city.

I have ordered an investigation of the case, added Minister Todorov.

In connection with false information provided in various media that the Bulgarian authorities have allowed, despite the sanctions, a Belarusian aircraft to fly through the Bulgarian airspace, we firmly state that at the time of the flight of the Belarusian airline Belavia, which passed through the Bulgarian airspace on June 2, 2021, there was no EU sanctioning act in force prohibiting flights of airlines from Belarus to fly to / from airports and to fly over the territories of the Member States.

A clear and achievable framework for digital policies and principles is needed by 2030. This was stated by Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Hristina Velinova during a debate on the Digital Compass for 2030. The discussion took place within the Transport Council, telecommunications and energy ("Telecommunications" format), which takes place in Luxembourg.

The Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Georgi Todorov appointed Major General Zlatko Zlatev as Director General of the State Aviation Operator.

Bulgaria supports the main goals of the Single European Sky. This is what the Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Christina Velinova stated in the framework of the meeting of the Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council of the European Union (Transport and Telecommunications),  which was being held on that day and on the following day in Luxembourg.

The newly built dredging equipment will enable the The Executive Agency for Exploration and Maintenance of the Danube River to efficiently and timely fulfill its obligations for maintenance of the waterway. This is what the Caretaker Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Neli Andreeva stated during the christening ceremony of the new dredge. The godmother of the specialized vessel is the Ambassador of the Netherlands to Bulgaria, H.E. Bea ten Tusscher.

I have ordered an audit of BDZ security contract. This is what the Caretaker Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Georgi Todorov stated in a framework of a meeting with the President of the Union of Railway Workers in Bulgaria at The Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria (CITUB) Petar Bunev, the President of the Union of Transport Trade Unions in Bulgaria Ekaterina Yordanova and the President of the National Railway Trade Union at Confederation of Labor "Podkrepa" Zorincho Yordanov.

As long as I am a Minister, I will not allow even one lev of European funding for railway infrastructure not to be allocated. This is what the Caretaker Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Georgi Todorov stated at the start of the modernization of the Orizovo-Mihailovo railway section.

"I have instructed the Director General of the National Railway Infrastructure Company to report to me on a daily basis on the progress of each of the projects", the Minister added.

The Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technologies and Communications Hristina Velinova and the Rector of the Higher School of Telecommunications and Posts Prof. Dr. Miglena Temelkova validated a publication dedicated to the educational institution. The executive director of Bulgarian Posts EAD Deyan Daneshki also took part in the event. The university inherits the traditions of the State Telegraph and Post School, which was established 140 years ago by decree of Prince Alexander I Battenberg.

In order to find a balance between control and facilitation, we should introduce electronic communications to reduce the share of paper documents, underlined Caretaker Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Christina Velinova during a videoconference meeting of the Ministers of Transport of the International Transport Forum. According to her, Bulgaria will continue to work on the main priorities of the International Transport Forum and will cooperate with member states to overcome the difficulties the transport of goods and passengers is facing.

Bulgarian Internet users are active in the registration of pan-European domains with .eu and .eю extensions. This was commented by the caretaker Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Georgi Todorov on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the Internet field "eю".

The Bulgarian population represents only about 1.5 percent of all residents of the European Union, but domestic consumers have registered 5 percent of internationalized European names, he added.

Holding fair and democratic elections and preventing a breakdown in any aspect of the transport system are the two main priorities of the Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications. This is what the Caretaker Minister Georgi Todorov announced at the presentation of his team.

The Maritime Administration Executive Agency participated in a two-day disaster preparedness exercise, which was held on May 18 and 19, 2021 in Belene.