Public Relations and Protocol

Construction of Sofia-Skopje railway line is a priority of the relations between Bulgaria and Macedonia. The opinion was shared by the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Ivaylo Moskovski and the Minister of  Transport and Communications of Macedonia Goran Sugareski during their meeting today. The transport link between the Southwest Balkans and the Orient-East Med Corridor is essential to both countries as far as free movement of passengers and freight is concerned.

The European Commission (EC) approved the Bulgarian support measures in favor of BDZ. Brussels found that the measures are in line with the European Union (EU) state aid rules. It has become clear today by the received official notification from the Commission.

Next year Sofia will be a digital leader in the region, stated by the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Ivaylo Moskovski at the closing session of the Digital Assembly, which took place in the period 15 - 16 June 2017, Valletta, Malta. He announced to the forum participants that during the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union in 2018, Sofia will host the European Digital Assembly.

The deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Anguel Popov, Simeon Sakskoburggotski, the Executive Director of the Bulgarian Posts Deyan Duneshki, the President of the Board of Managers of the Union of the Bulgarian Philatelists Spas Panchev, and the members of the royal family Kalina Sakskoburggotska, Boris Sakskoburggotski and Simeon-Hasan Sakskoburggotski launched in use a postal-philatelic edition on topic “Famous Bulgarians-philatelists. H.M. Tsar Simeon II – Honorary President of the Union of the Bulgarian Philatelists”.

The dropping of roaming charges within the European Union is the beginning of a new era of freedom of borderless communications, commented the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Ivaylo Moskovski during the "Without Roaming" solemn ceremony, which took place within the European Digital Assembly. The event is being held within the Maltese Presidency of the Council of the European Union in Valletta and has involved more than 700 representatives of governments, public organizations and companies.

Minister Ivaylo Moskovski has set several goals to improve the quality of the practical exams that experts will work on.

The first objective is to develop a new methodology for selecting the routes to be followed during the exam. One of the options is for each candidate to be pre-set the starting and ending points of the route as the candidate chooses which way to pass. In this way, examiners will not be able to choose easier routes for some candidates and difficult for other. The second measure is the representatives of the driving schools not to be in the examination committees.

The first Bulgarian postage stamp, dedicated to Carl Djerassi' s encyclopedic nature, was validated today. The validation stamp was put by Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Dimitar Genovski, Deputy Minister of Health Svetlana Yordanova and the son of the world-famous scientist Dale Djerassi.

All Financing Agreements on the Metro have been signed in Sofia. It became clear during the Seventh Meeting of the Monitoring Committee of OP on “Transport and Transport Infrastructure”, which took place in the period 6 - 7 June in Sandanski. The financial resources provided under OPTTI for the construction of the third metro line are slightly over 400 million euro. "At the end of May will start the construction of the second stage, which includes 4 new metro stations to Gorna Banya residential area”, pointed out Galina Vassileva.

The Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Ivaylo Moskovski has ordered the strengthening of control over the transport of children and students. The inspection is part of the road safety improvement measures undertaken on the occasion of the International Children's Day - 1 June and the upcoming holiday trips during the summer months.

We have the will and we have been already working intensely for reducing the road accidents. That stated the Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Anguel Popov at the opening ceremony of the International Exposition for Trucks TRUCK EXPO 2017. According to him in order to achieve this objective, one of the measures that will be undertaken is to strengthen the control and collaboration between the different institutions responsible for the road safety.

The Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications (MTITC) launched the elaboration of the Thematic Plan for Issuing of Postage Stamps in 2018. By August 30, 2017 are expected proposals for significant events, anniversaries and celebrations which to be marked by postal-philatelic editions in 2018.

Over 32 000 protected names of geographic, cultural sightseeings and state institutions were considered and approved by the Public Council on IT and Internet to the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications, Ivaylo Moskovski. General concepts such as "municipality", "district", "village"; names of political parties and states are preserved. Names of peaks, lakes, waterfalls, rivers, mountains and UNESCO sites are reserved. Museums, monuments, caves, nature parks and reserves are also in the list.

The first postage stamp, dedicated to Bulgarian actor Grigor Vachkov, was validated today. The ceremony gathered three generations of relatives of the star of Bulgarian cinema - wife Silvia, daughter Martina and granddaughter Rada, who is also an artist of the postage stamp.

The Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Velik Zanchev opened a working meeting on topic “Safety within the performance of freight traffic along the railway network in Bulgaria“. In his introductory words, he stated that the safety is a main priority in the work of the team of Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications.

The Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Dimitar Genovski granted to the mayor of Sofia Yordanka Fandakova, the award in category “Best digital city“ from the annual study of Darik radio.

Strengthened inspections in the capital to the harmful emissions from the automobiles are about to begin. The Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Anguel Popov, the Deputy Minister of Interior Stefan Balabanov, the Executive Director of EA “Automobile Administration” Krasimir Kalaydjiev and the Head of the Traffic Police Department with the Sofia Interior Ministry Directorate Commissioner Tencho Tenev agreed on that.

Bulgaria and Ukraine issued the first joint philatelic edition between the two countries' postal administrations. In Sofia the stamp for validation was placed by the Executive Director of Bulgarian Posts Deyan Daneshki and the Ambassador of Ukraine Mykola Baltazhy. The theme of the edition is related to the preservation of the unique inhabitants of the Black Sea.

DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology of the European Commission has opened a public consultation on the .eu top-level domain (TLD). Residents of the European Union countries can assess the effectiveness of the .eu internet code and possible changes to facilitate the registration of pan-European internet names, by August 4, 2017.

In the presence of the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Ivaylo Moskovski were opened the offers received for participation in the open procedure for granting a concession for service of "Civil Airport for public use Plovdiv".

Participants in the order of submission of the offers are as follows:

The development of the railway connection along East-West direction is one of the most effective ways for transport of goods and freights between the countries of the two continents. That opinion was shared during the meeting of the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Ivaylo Moskovski and the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Azerbaijan, who is also a chief negotiator with the European Union and the World Trade Organization- Mahmud Mamad-Guliev.