Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Rossen Jeliazkov discussed with his colleagues from Poland, Hungary, Lithuania and Latvia a joint strategy of the like-minded EU member states on Mobility package I. The meeting was held during the EU Transport Council Meeting in Luxembourg yesterday.
Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Anguel Popov opened TRUCK EXPO 2019. He greeted the organizers and the participants on behalf of Minister Rossen Jeliazkov, noting that our country has a modern and fast increasing fleet, which turns Bulgaria into one of the most powerful and successful leaders in Europe, as far as international haulage is concerned. “This sector is expanding every year and along with the employment of a lot of people, it is a significant factor in the formation of the GDP”, he also added.
Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Rossen Jeliazkov ordered an audit in the Directorate General “Civil Aviation Administration” (DG CAA).
The Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Rossen Jeliazkov and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ekaterina Zaharieva validated a postage stamp on 140 years of Bulgarian diplomacy in the presence of the diplomatic corps. "Celebrating anniversaries is always a matter of a look in the past, a reflection of the present, and a vision of the future. What a better symbol of connectivity than what diplomacy is doing is the association with a postage stamp, "said Minister Jeliazkov at the ceremony.
More than 15 000 residents of one of the busiest districts of Burgas - Zornitsa will use postal services in a renovated post office. The renovated premises which covers an area of 150 square meters was opened today by Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Dimitar Genovski and the Executive Director of Bulgarian Posts EAD Deyan Duneshki.
At 11:32 there was a report of an incident with a small manned pilot experiment. The plane in which she traveled a woman has taken off from Chernevo (near Ihtiman) to Draganovo. Based on initial data after a raised altitude, the plane falls into a screwdriver, falls, and ignites itself. The two on board have died.
Fire and police teams are on the ground, and there is an Aviation Investigation Unit at the Ministry of Transport who will also conduct an initial inspection.
Like-minded countries remain firm, this was Minister Rossen Jeliazkov’s comment on the Mobility Package I theme, during the ongoing Leipzig Transport Ministers’ Summit.
“Together with our Lithuanian and Latvian colleagues we express our indivertible view of the consequences of Mobility Package I rules implementation within the European Union. We continue our coordinated efforts with the other countries, from the like-minded group, towards changing the texts according to our common national interests," said Minister Jeliazkov.
The base quota of ECMT/CEMT permits for the Bulgarian hauliers should be increased by 25%. This is what the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications, Rossen Jeliazkov insisted on during the International Transport Forum, which is held today in Leipzig, Germany.
Establishing an effective trade corridor in the region is the main challenge facing the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization (BSEC) and it is possible only by joining all member states’ efforts. This was stated by the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications at the opening of the informal meeting of transport ministers of the BSEC member states.
The optimization of radio spectrum charges is an important condition for more investment in the mobile communications sector. This was the opinion of the three big telecom operators - VIVACOM (Bulgarian Telecommunications Company), Telenor and A1 (Mobiltel), expressed at a meeting with the Minister of Transport, Information Technologies and Communications, Mr. Rosen Zhelyazkov, the Chairman of the Communications Regulation Commission Ivan Dimitrov and representatives of Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works.
Sixty-three Bulgarian municipalities have been approved for funding by the European Commission's second free WiFi competition under the WiFi4EU initiative. Thus, 176 local government centers (66% of the total) will create areas for free access to the global network. Fifteen other municipalities are on a reserve list, giving them the chance to be approved at a later stage.
The total amount of funding for the Bulgarian municipalities in the second competition is EUR 945 000.
Postal services that connect people with letters, telegrams, parcels are evolving, and are currently entering a new technological era - e-commerce, which for decades has passed from postal pigeons to postal drones. This was announced by the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Rossen Jeliazkov at a post-philatelic issue validation ceremony dedicated to the 140th anniversary of Bulgarian Posts EAD.
The development of Varna-West as a container and ferry terminal infrastructure and of Varna-East as a zone for public access and cruise should be planned in good coordination, said the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Rossen Jeliazkov during a working visit to Varna.
The development of regional transport infrastructure is a priority for the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, but in order to achieve optimal integration in transport networks, we need to pay attention to projects within the Trans-European and Euro-Asian corridors that pass through our countries, said the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Rossen Jeliazkov at a Round Table on Transport Connectivity in the Black Sea region. The event is organized in Evksinograd as part of the Bulgarian presidency of the organization.
"The proposals of the participants in the Sofia Airport concession procedure show a very serious attitude towards the development of the airport and its transformation into a decent aviation hub in Europe and outside Europe". This was announced by the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Rosen Zhelyazkov during today's opening of the tenders of the participants in the open Sofia Airport concession procedure.
Rossen Jeliazkov pointed out that there are no candidates removed and the proposals made by the five participants will be carefully considered.
A person has been detected in Haskovo trying to pass a theoretical exam for drivers on behalf of another candidate. During the inspection of the documents for identification the supervising inspector has doubted that the person who has appeared differs from the candidate enrolled in the list. This was confirmed also by the system for facial identification in the examination room. The inspector from EA “Road Transport Administration” instantly informed the structures of the Ministry of Interior.
I expect Poduyane railway station to be a part of Bulgaria's cultural and historical heritage after its renovation, said the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications, Rossen Jeliazkov, during the official start of the reconstruction of Poduyane railway station. He recalled that the railway station in Poduyane was one of the first built in Sofia in 1930 and so far, reconstructions have not been made. "The project aims not only to keep the authentic look of the station but also to emphasize it.
Sofia Airport Concession offers will be opened on 9 May in a public hearing at 9:00. This was announced by the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Rossen Jeliazkov before the competent parliamentary committee. Participants or their representatives, as well as other persons, may attend the meeting. Under the law, the admitted participants will be announced first. Then, again, in the order of their submission, the participants' bids will be opened. The Commission will read the binding proposals of all admitted participants.
Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Rossen Jeliazkov held a working meeting with the Executive Director of the National Tourism Board Polina Karastoyanova and Deputy Chairperson of Management Board of the National Tourism Board Association, Martin Zahariev. Concrete proposals for cooperation were discussed during the talks.
The Bulgarian and Iranian aviation authorities will negotiate an amendment to the current air transport agreement and the future direct line between the two countries. This is one of the results of the Intergovernmental Bulgarian-Iranian Commission on Economic, Scientific, Trade and Technical Cooperation, held on 18 and 19 April in Sofia, the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Rossen Jeliazkov announced during the closing session. He pointed out that a meeting of the Joint Committee on International Road Transport was held within the session.