
Measures have been taken to prevent future train accidents. This was stated by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Transport and Communications Hristo Alexiev during a hearing in the National Assembly in the Committee on Transport and Communications.

Road Transport Administration inspectors already work with a specialized information system for road control. This was announced by the Executive Director of Road Transport Administration Executive Agency Boyko Ranovski during the presentation of the project. He pointed out that the digital system allowed real-time checking of information for vehicles, drivers and carriers in national and European registers.

The one hundred and seventy-fifth anniversary of Hristo Botev’s birth is an occasion to reconsider once again his heroic cause, exciting poetry and emblematic journalism. This was stated by the Deputy Minister of Transport and Communications Krasimir Papukchiyski during the validation of a postage stamp dedicated to the national hero. The postage stamp was validated by the Vice-President of the National Assembly Nikola Minchev, the Deputy Minister of Culture Plamen Slavov, the President of “Hristo Botyov” Foundation Boyan Botyiov and the Director of "Bulgarian Posts" Filip Aleksiev.

On the initiative of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Transport and Communications Hristo Alexiev, under the leadership of Deputy Minister Nikolay Naydenov and together with the DG Civil Aviation Administration, a Working Group was formed to establish a mechanism for coordinating the configuration of U-space air space. U-space is the European system being developed for unmanned drone traffic management. It is a set of specific digital services and procedures designed to provide drone operators with safe and efficient access to airspace.

The motor ship Vera Su was auctioned today. This is the fourth bidding procedure that the Maritime Administration Executive Agency organized. One company participated in the auction today - "Varsa Shipping" OOD, which offered to buy the vessel at the announced starting price - 276,000 US dollars without VAT.

The Bulgarian company deals with repairs and maintenance of vessels. The buyer has transferred 10 percent of the price as a deposit, the submitted documents have been verified and meet the requirements and criteria.

Today, Lukoil remitted advance tax in the amount of BGN 90 million, which already entered the State Budget. This was stated by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Transport and Communications, Hristo Alexiev, during the presentation of the functionalities of BULATSA - Flight Information Portal in the building of the Directorate General of Air Traffic Services Authority. "These BGN 90 million, in terms of proportion and amount, are more than the taxes that Lukoil has paid to the State for a total of 20 years ago", the Deputy Prime Minister pointed out.

The hundredth anniversary of Todor Kableshkov University of Transport was marked with a thematic postage stamp. The postage stamp was validated by the Deputy Minister of Transport and Communications Krasimir Papukchiyski, the rector of the Todor Kableshkov University of Transport Prof. Daniela Todorova and the CEO of "Bulgarian Posts" Bogdan Teofanidis.

The Transport Ministers Council of the European Union included the route Sofia-Skopie-Durres-Bari in the scope of the new European Transport Corridor "Western Balkans-Eastern Mediterranean". The Bulgarian side has made extremely active efforts in the last four months to restart the project, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Transport and Communications Hristo Alexiev said, upon participating in the meeting in Brussels today. He expressed his gratitude for the understanding shown by the Czech Presidency for the fulfillment of the Bulgarian request.

The development of logistics is a guarantee for the success of the transport policy in Bulgaria. This was stated by the Deputy Minister of Transport and Communications Nikolay Naydenov during the official opening of TRANSPRESS logistics center.

For the first time, the portraits of the 20 Bulgarians awarded the highest title by the State of Israel for saving the Bulgarian Jews will be depicted on a postage stamp. The theme of the edition is "Bulgarian righteous people of the world".

The Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Policies and Minister of Transport and Communications Hristo Aleksiev endorsed the Thematic plan for 2023.

The Ministry of Transport and Communications awarded the employees of the railway authority and the fireman Varban Petkov, who showed a timely reaction to evacuate the passengers in the accident with the train from Sofia to Varna in the area of Kaspichan station. The awards were presented by the Deputy Minister of Transport and Communications Krasimir Papukchiyski in the MTC building.

Bulgaria and Turkey start working on reducing the passing time of trains through border crossing points. This became clear during a meeting between the Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Policies and Minister of Transport and Communications Hristo Alexiev with the General Director of the Turkish State Railways Hasan Pezuk.

In the framework of the discussion, the two sides expressed a common opinion that it was essential to increase the turnover of goods, which would lead to the development of the economies of Bulgaria and Turkey.

Bulgaria and Greece will attract investors through joint projects. This was agreed during a meeting between the Bulgarian Government delegation and the Minister of Development and Investments of Greece, Adonis Georgiadis. The Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Policies and Minister of Transport and Communications Hristo Alexiev, as well as the Minister of Economy and Industry Nikola Stoyanov and the Minister of Energy Rossen Hristov took part in the talks.

The intermodal Transport Corridor Thessaloniki-Kavala-Alexandroupolis-Burgas-Varna-Ruse will soon not be just an ambitious plan, we are determined to make it a reality. This was the common statement expressed at a meeting today between the Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Policies and Minister of Transport and Communications Hristo Alexiev and the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport of Greece Kostas Karamanlis. Rail and road connectivity, as well as cooperation between Bulgarian and Greek ports, was the main topic of the discussions.

The Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Policies and Minister of Transport and Communications Hristo Alexiev leads the Bulgarian Government delegation that will visit Greece in the period November 3 to 4.

The Bulgarian side will also be represented by the Minister of Economy and Industry Nikola Stoyanov, the Minister of Energy Rossen Hristov, the Executive Director of Bulgargaz EAD Denitsa Zlateva and the Executive Director of Bulgartransgaz EAD Vladimir Malinov.

The policy of the Caretaker Government in the processing and export of fuels is aimed at ensuring better prices for consumers and complying with the legal framework of the European Union. This was stated by the Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Policies and Minister of Transport and Communications Hristo Alexiev in response to questions from the media.

"Bulgaria currently has the cheapest fuels in Europe, which is a serious success. We will continue to work in this direction", the Deputy Prime Minister said.

If the concessionaire of Sofia Airport does not start working as promised in the technical offer, there will be no compromise. This was stated by the Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Policies and Minister of Transport and Communications Hristo Alexiev in response to journalists’ questions.

Bulgaria and Turkey have taken additional measures to ease the heavy traffic through the border crossing points. These efforts would continue, but alternatives related to rail and water transport of goods and cargo would also be sought. The goal was to increase the number of operating intermodal trains from 7 to 22. This was stated by the Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Policies and Minister of Transport and Communications Hristo Alexiev after a meeting with the Minister of Transport and Infrastructure of the Republic of Turkey Adil Karaismailoglu.

Direct air services between Bulgaria and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are about to start. The first agreement in the field of transport between the Republic of Bulgaria and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was signed today in Riyadh by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Transport and Communications Hristo Alexiev and the Minister of Transport and Logistics Services of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Saleh al-Jasser.

The EC is open to asses  proposals to co-financing the design and construction of a third bridge on the Danube River at Ruse and Giurgiu and the second phase of the Fast Danube 2 navigability improvement project.

This became clear during a video conference between Transport Commissioner Adina Vălean and the Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Policies and Minister of Transport and Communications, Hristo Alexiev.